Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 211 28-08-2012 , 02:21 PM
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I appreciate the deep responses. I am not looking just in the realm of creating 3D at a company that is the huge size of DD. I hold quite a bit in the realm of shooting with cameras and lighting as well and the companies I generally enjoy working for are small. When working in Dubai I was the Production Director. When I got there we had nothing and I had to purchase all of the equipment and get the facility up and running for the Army. I had to not only balance the budget/ deliver line items and procure goods but also assign/supervise work since the guy who hired me wasn't really good at anything. This is kind of what I eluded to in the pipeline statement. Companies that I have worked for in the past have set deadlines and I was the one who would be there with a small group of people until the sun began to rise. Because in essence I meant that I could deliver by myself if it needed to be done. That I wasn't gonna back into a wall and not meet a deadline. I have worked now for about 6 years after I got my degree. So my career is small in terms of someone like yours Jay but I have been in local 600 for almost 10 years now.

I know all three of you are good at what you do. And I respect the opinion of all of you. For the most part the showboating comments and criticism came from childish people who used profanity in their comments and hid behind nicknames. On the other end I have gotten numerous emails from people thanking me for the videos. It comes down to the fact that even something as simple as modeling a ping-pong paddle and showing my whole workflow doesn't truly exist in the "free" realm of c4d. It is almost 100% mograph. So me giving it away with proper methods of how to create it is something that most generally enjoyed. I just want to better the people out there by giving them direct short videos showing the easiest and "maybe" proper methods to doing something in the app.

I am gonna keep on making the videos and polishing them up afterwards. I guess when it comes down to it I just gotta keep on practicing. For now I am going to deliver a hair tutorial today showcasing how to set up the hair and modify it in the tab, materials, and render settings. Another tutorial that has not existed in c4d for the user community and that I feel needs to exist for free.

One of my main problems is that I don't sugar-coat most anything. I say the facts and move on. Much from growing up on set. I had no childhood growing up. Once I hit 10 my dad during summers sent me away to work on my first set and continued to do so for all of the years afterwards. Seaquest DSV. I enjoyed the work and learned much about working long hours and the time and patience it takes to create something truly special. Since then every waking moment has been about creating something and expanding what I know. I can go on for days about Cranes, dollies, and jibs. But this new avenue of 3D has allowed me to step away from something that is truly a dying craft. I am even debating leaving Local 600 because of the reduce in work and the jobs evaporating to reality shows. Times are changing and I am simply diversifying to save my own ass in the long run.

Well anyways I havegiven my 2 cents and maybe you can see where I am coming from.


Collin Bishop

Last edited by Chavfister; 28-08-2012 at 03:20 PM.
# 212 28-08-2012 , 05:02 PM
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Hey Collin

nice response man, and glad you have written what you have in reply. The big picture is clearer for the rest of us, its so hard trying to interpret words on a forum sometimes, people say one thing and mean another LOL.

As far as a big company like DD are concerned, its not all wine and roses, its more like beer and pizza lol and for the most part while myself and my colleagues work under their moniker we are probably more based as Reliance Media Works and are pretty self contained. At the studio in London we are only right now 30 strong staff working on a couple of big projects. Once things ramp up we will max out to around 80 staff, no more than that. Personally I prefer the smaller working atmosphere, you dont get lost in the ether of a huge company and become just another seat.

Personally I think its great that you are taking your own time out to do that type of work for others, there is a sense of sat

# 213 28-08-2012 , 11:17 PM
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Thanks Jay. So this is how the hair tutorial is progressing. Been trying to suss out this SSS a bit better for the tut so that when I bring him back from FR he doesn't look retarded or boring. The hair on his head looked absolutely stupid when long so I just used a alpha and then a gradient to trim the sides and back but it still needs some finessing imho along with the brows which have no length or density map applied. On top of that the texture needs to be finished as well. But not bad for a nights work from nothing. This is the SSS out of cinema with no GI. Just lit by area lights. Renders are about 2:00 a frame.

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Last edited by Chavfister; 29-08-2012 at 04:25 AM.
# 214 29-08-2012 , 08:19 PM
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Update on the head. Got him rigged and doing FACS and I have a few c3d files loaded in. Still at about 2:00 a frame on the skin only and 3:50 with the hair.

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# 215 31-08-2012 , 05:52 AM
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So I have been fooling around with mograph today. Given I don't usually but I need to look at it a little. It helps it is easy. To make it better you just have to understand rigging, modeling, and then particles which I already know... Just trying to learn mechanics of things. Then I will utilize the product placement. EDIT: sorted out the floor eating away. That effect is just awesome.... Gonna sort out the cable growth. Got the inner part but gotta figure out how they wrap the outer. I know a way but I need to see if it will hold the edges...

Also began sculpting a old man leaning back in a rocking chair....

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Last edited by Chavfister; 31-08-2012 at 07:18 AM.
# 216 01-09-2012 , 02:10 AM
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wire render. Thing shoots out of the ground and then flies back in...

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# 217 02-09-2012 , 03:38 AM
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Progress 9.1.2012

Started doing a box model of a cowboy hat to show a guy on the c4d forums. Many were pushing splines but I told them box modeling would be the best. Well just kept at it for about an hour and got this far. I don't generally model people this way so it has been slower than my usual. But I am all for knowing diff methods...

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# 218 05-09-2012 , 05:03 AM
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So this is a tutorial I have started recording doing a basic watch build. Gonna go through the steps like usual...

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Last edited by Chavfister; 05-09-2012 at 11:59 PM.
# 219 06-09-2012 , 12:00 AM
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So this is the progress on the tut. Trying to go for a Mark Ecko style or theme. Really like the fluidity of his pieces. Goes well with the C4D rendering ability... Next is the box. Gotta keep it feminine and the box is gonna come in probably through mograph with plain effectors and scale dealy effectors. Guess we will see.

EDIT: Just testing diamonds and refractions. Things I want to look into...

2ND EDIT: That plane is just me trying to catch up to Leon. Was about 15-20 min of modeling...

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Last edited by Chavfister; 06-09-2012 at 05:27 AM.
# 220 13-09-2012 , 11:05 PM
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Progress 9.13.2012


I have released a few more tuts and have continued on with the facial rigging tut inside C4D. Many people enjoyed the FR one but they tend to like to stay inside C4D so I guess my rig in it will have to be shown. I based it on the rig by Jeremy Ernst a while back. That and a few other things...

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Last edited by Chavfister; 15-09-2012 at 04:32 AM.
# 221 18-09-2012 , 06:23 PM
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Progress 9.18.2012

So I had posted this on Kurt's thread since his head gave me some starting inspiration...

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# 222 19-09-2012 , 03:14 AM
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Really liking this heatweight plugin. Makes putting crap into my game much faster.... I believe it comes standard in Maya 2013...

EDIT: A crossbow for my game. I have it in the engine and animated on the hands. Just need to figure out how to get the arrow to shoot in the animation much like the rocket launcher does.... Gonna have to tweak that cga.

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Last edited by Chavfister; 20-09-2012 at 07:52 PM.
# 223 24-09-2012 , 11:13 PM
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So for the past few days I have been migrating my knowledge over to Maya in rigging and texturing and lighting. The principles are mainly the same. Just been doing DT tuts on rigging and a eat3d tut I got a year back when I didn't know what I was doing... But I will say the SSS is so much nicer in MR. It actually has slots to plug in my maps. Which C4D unfortunately does not. After I get this head squared away I will do my own. But it is better to know the right path before I venture off...

I might have to take a break from this to concentrate on a gig though. We shall see...

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Last edited by Chavfister; 24-09-2012 at 11:15 PM.
# 224 25-09-2012 , 02:35 AM
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Here is a concept shot I started a couple hours ago...

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Last edited by Chavfister; 25-09-2012 at 04:34 AM.
# 225 30-09-2012 , 04:36 AM
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So this is the progress of a tutorial I have been preparing for the afternoon. Should be about 2 1/2 hours after all is said and done. I started watching that Maya Daytona watch tut and thought I can do this faster and better in C4D. So I sat down and made one on my own through ref. I still need to go back and make it in Maya. Wouldn't hurt to learn some things...

EDIT: I cleaned up the inside texture a fair amount...

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Last edited by Chavfister; 01-10-2012 at 12:23 AM.
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