Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 2
This course will look in the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. It's aimed at people that have some modeling experience in Maya but are having trouble with complex objects.
# 61 24-02-2006 , 11:14 PM
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im also 14...and i also wanna girlfriend. (maya will never get in the way..ever) but most of the good looking ones are 16+. :angery: the first time i kissed a girl i was 11. so im mostly towards the nerd side.
:attn: for once im different. i never really knew much about japanese spirits. but i was always facinated by there history and legends. quite interesting ppl you know. maybe thats why japanese are ahead in technology than the americans (at some areas) and the english. spirits tell them everything. its was in 2003 when the english finally got cameras on there mobiles. or so i remember. japanese had them since 2001.
this thread is getting intersting.. i'll stay in tune for more updates. for sure

A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice!!

Last edited by 13th_resident; 24-02-2006 at 11:25 PM.
# 62 25-02-2006 , 12:26 AM
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Japanese spirits?? I'll tell you something extraordinary about Japanese spirituality and spirituality in general;
back when the mongols had conquered all of Asian and most of Europe (as in the Khan family) the last place to take was Japan. We all know about the 'Kamikaze,' not the pilots, I'm talking about the wave. The mongols were going to attack Japan rom mainland China, of course there were spies everywhere (still is) and the Japanese Emperor knew the plans of invasion. He knew there was no way they could beat the Mongols, it just couldn't happen, had never happened. SSOOOOO, the emperor asked everyone in Japan to prey at the same time for a miracle and guess what; as the Mongols were crossing the seas between China and Japan a huge wave, later named 'Kamikaze' wiped the whole invasion fleet out, completely gone. As if that wasn't enough, the mongols tried again later, and yo guessed it, the same thing happened, I think the events were three years apart (Really not sure) but it left they mongols and the Japanese believing Japan was truly protected by the gods and also probably accounts for some of the Japanese depth of belief in spirits and their power.
Interesting story and quite eerie from a westerners POV, but Asians take spirits as a part of daily life and are careful (traditionally) to take them into account in their daily lives.

this wave has been celebrated in many famous Japanese block prints and you would definitely have seen it. 'Kami' by the way means 'spirit' in Japanese, so you can see here an example of a wave being promoted, Japanese style, to a spirit, 'Kami'-kaze. Some people an become 'kami' if they have done particularly good things in their lives, though a normal Peron may die and return (Buddhist) as a tree a computer, a bird, ect.:bow: :bow:

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# 63 25-02-2006 , 02:06 AM
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here's a picture of one of the block prints, i have put a blue arrow to show the Mongol hoards being swamped by the wave. They are small on purpose, to show how small humans are (despite themselves thinking they are the centre of the universe) in the eyes of nature. It is a common device used in most ancient Chinese (and later Japanese) arts.

It is a great style and one which would look great animated in 3D. No doubt the Japanese are doing or it's something they have been doing a long time (I mean in contemporary terms.):bow: :bow:

Attached Thumbnails

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# 64 25-02-2006 , 08:44 AM
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i never heard that story before. quite interesting (and spiritual). i thought the word "Kamikaze" ment devine spirit.
perhaps there's two meanings. there art is so awesome. food, ppl, culture, castles, idols and especially origami are things which i always loved to know about. so the better person you are the the better you become when you deep. unlike the indian ppl they believe life is a cycle. if you do something bad, in your next life you will be a ie: blindman or a criple. thats what they believe. kinda strange.

A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice!!

Last edited by 13th_resident; 25-02-2006 at 10:45 PM.
# 65 25-02-2006 , 03:25 PM
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lol, speaking of reincarnation, I had to say this:

you kill a turtle in this life, and you are a turtle in the next life and a man will kill you.

you shoot a deer, and you become a deer in the next life and a hunter shoots you

So... if you kill a spider and a man at the same time, will I become SpiderMan in the next life? :p

Sorry but I just had to say that

cya later
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# 66 25-02-2006 , 04:58 PM
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# 67 25-02-2006 , 06:48 PM
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How would you become BananaMan? user added image

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# 68 25-02-2006 , 08:26 PM
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easy, kill a man who was eating a banana when you kill him

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# 69 25-02-2006 , 08:37 PM
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Thanks for the heads up, I was gonna try and waste my nemisi why he was in the toilet.

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# 70 25-02-2006 , 10:35 PM
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kamikaze as you pointed out does mean 'divine spirit' but refers to the spirit of the wave, or the spirit that possessed the wave. That's traditional, of course they used it as a thing to say during the war because of its symbolism and maybe they were trying to, I don't know, raise the spirit to conquer their for. I wonder what they call the BOMB.

I didn't say the better you are they better 'thing' you become, I said if you were exceptional in this world you may become 'kami.' Other than that it is normal buddhist thinking, all is leaning and that;s what reincarnation is about for that side of Asia.

As far as returning as banana man, I'm not sure it's been tested but it sounds correct, I saw a movie called 'the fly' once or twice and the guy in that killed a fly and the next thing he was bugging his girlfriend.user added image

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# 71 25-02-2006 , 10:37 PM
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should read 'foe' not 'their for'

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# 72 25-02-2006 , 11:16 PM
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thats a good one matt. :p
so how can i become mr.genius.....kill einstein.

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# 73 26-02-2006 , 03:37 AM
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ummm, wrong!! Kamikaze means "divine wind" refering to the typhoons in the area.

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# 74 26-02-2006 , 03:38 AM
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Originally posted by 13th_resident
im also 14...and i also wanna girlfriend. (maya will never get in the way..ever) but most of the good looking ones are 16+. :angery: the first time i kissed a girl i was 11.

OMG, you are lucky!!!!, i have never kissed a girl user added image:blush:

Environment Artist @ Plastic Piranha
# 75 26-02-2006 , 08:11 AM
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ummm, wrong!! Kamikaze means "divine wind" referring to the typhoons in the area

yes, exactly what it means, divine wind, good one, ( i didn't bother referencing, got me) but it refers to the wind/wave that destroyed the mongols. I think I'd believe my wife as she is Japanese (but certainly no rocket scientist) and a few other books I have on the subject but I'd gratefully be proven wrong ( i hate wondering around with wrong info in my head). I have always believed that kamikaze referred A typhoon (originally the big wave, the subject of so many block prints) but it may well be used generically these days, if so it is news to me, I thought the Japanese called . It does not make sense to name every typhoon a 'kami' that's reserved for very special people and things that are 'promoted' spiritually, not every blow-in that causes a stir??

I'll ask Ryoko again if that's what they call typhoons in Japan, typhoons. Typhoon, obviously originally a Chinese word ('tia' meaning 'big' and 'phoon' I would guess might mean wind [?], I lived in hong Kong for a few months and the typhoons put the wind right up them) user added image

i just did ask her then, 2 minutes ago, on the phone, and yes I was correct, the Japanese call typhoons, tsunami. and according to her only the storm that wiped the mongols is called 'Kamikaze' unless your wife is Japanese and she has a different story, I'll stick with my story but it's interesting and thank for your interest and making research a bit.

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