Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 18-10-2005 , 05:23 PM
Grayth's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Brantford Ontario Canada
Posts: 43

Camera set up script

Hey everyone, Ok I decided to make my camera setup that I use alot into a script and would like it to do a few things but can't figure out how to add it in...

Right now the script below creates a camera and then I add in 4 nodes...xyz_translate, yRotate, xrotate, zRotate. With all the extra attributes for each group node locked out..

Why do I like this, well makes for a nice easy clean way to animate the camera.

but what I would like to add into the script is the ability to create another camera. Right now if I run it twice, it creates additional groups in the first camera...I think this because it's not looking to see if I have this set up already, and so it can't create another camera with a similiar grouping..not sure how to fix this..

here's the script

camera -centerOfInterest 5 -focalLength 35 -lensSqueezeRatio 1 -cameraScale 1 -horizontalFilmAperture 1.41732 -horizontalFilmOffset 0 -verticalFilmAperture 0.94488 -verticalFilmOffset 0 -filmFit Fill -overscan 1 -motionBlur 0 -shutterAngle 144 -nearClipPlane 0.01 -farClipPlane 1000 -orthographic 0 -orthographicWidth 30; objectMoveCommand; cameraMakeNode 3 "";
select -r camera1_group ;
group; xform -os -piv 0 0 0;
group; xform -os -piv 0 0 0;
group; xform -os -piv 0 0 0;
group; xform -os -piv 0 0 0;
rename |group4 "XYZ_Trans";
// Result: XYZ_Trans //
select -r group3 ;
rename |XYZ_Trans|group3 "Yrot_Pan";
// Result: Yrot_Pan //
rename |XYZ_Trans|Yrot_Pan|group2 "Xrot_Tilt";
// Result: Xrot_Tilt //
rename |XYZ_Trans|Yrot_Pan|Xrot_Tilt|group1 "Zrot_Roll";
// Result: Zrot_Roll //
lookThroughModelPanelClipped Yrot_Pan modelPanel4 0.001 1000;
setAttr -lock true "camera1.tx";
setAttr -lock true "camera1_aim.tx";
setAttr -lock true "camera1_up.tx";
setAttr -lock true "camera1.ty";
setAttr -lock true "camera1_aim.ty";
setAttr -lock true "camera1_up.ty";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "camera1.rx";
setAttr -lock true "camera1_aim.rx";
setAttr -lock true "camera1_up.rx";
setAttr -lock true "camera1.ry";
setAttr -lock true "camera1_aim.ry";
setAttr -lock true "camera1_up.ry";
setAttr -lock true "camera1.rz";
setAttr -lock true "camera1_aim.rz";
setAttr -lock true "camera1_up.rz";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
select -cl ;
pickWalk -d up;
// Result: XYZ_Trans //
setAttr -lock true "XYZ_Trans.rx";
setAttr -lock true "XYZ_Trans.ry";
setAttr -lock true "XYZ_Trans.rz";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
select -cl ;
pickWalk -d down;
// Result: XYZ_Trans //
pickWalk -d down;
// Result: Yrot_Pan //
setAttr -lock true "Yrot_Pan.tx";
setAttr -lock true "Yrot_Pan.ty";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "Yrot_Pan.rx";
setAttr -lock true "Yrot_Pan.rz";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "Yrot_Pan.v";
select -cl ;
pickWalk -d down;
// Result: XYZ_Trans //
pickWalk -d down;
// Result: Yrot_Pan //
pickWalk -d down;
// Result: Xrot_Tilt //
setAttr -lock true "Xrot_Tilt.tx";
setAttr -lock true "Xrot_Tilt.ty";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "Xrot_Tilt.ry";
setAttr -lock true "Xrot_Tilt.rz";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "Xrot_Tilt.v";
select -cl ;
pickWalk -d up;
// Result: XYZ_Trans //
pickWalk -d down;
// Result: Yrot_Pan //
pickWalk -d down;
// Result: Xrot_Tilt //
pickWalk -d down;
// Result: Zrot_Roll //
setAttr -lock true "Zrot_Roll.tx";
setAttr -lock true "Zrot_Roll.ty";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "Zrot_Roll.rx";
setAttr -lock true "Zrot_Roll.ry";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "";
setAttr -lock true "Zrot_Roll.v";
select -cl ;
pickWalk -d up;
// Result: XYZ_Trans //
pickWalk -d up;
// Result: XYZ_Trans //
pickWalk -d down;
// Result: Yrot_Pan //
pickWalk -d down;
// Result: Xrot_Tilt //
pickWalk -d down;
// Result: Zrot_Roll //
pickWalk -d down;
// Result: camera1_group //
pickWalk -d down;
// Result: camera1 //
select -cl ;



Think Twice Split Poly Once
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