This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
I'm currently messing about with texturing simple models using mayas own procedural's, daisy chaining bumps, specs, material etc etc. Just so I get a bettter understanding and move away from the simpler approach to shading networks.
yea, cool, you've understood layered textures for years.., i hear you about the procedural ones.., i know done well.., as your doing one can get great results.
im still here at it.., theres a lot about them (layered textures thats confusing me.., but ill get it.., worked all day and night yesterday and no updates??
so back at it today until i understand what the hell is actually going on.., whether i have to include separate alphas or what?? im getting odd results.., but i thik i know whats happening.., i applied the layered texture to the wall and it applied itself to everything.., i realised hours later it was using lambert 1.., then i tried it on a single plane after first applying another lambert and after the third file things started to get confusing.., so back to the drawing board..
Have a try wit the mix20 layer shader, I've just installed it with 2008, I had it for 8.5, its really good, gives a lot more control over what the layers are doing.
this is the shading network.., ive just duplicated the colour network and used it again with a bump node.., im sure you know all this
i will probably take the entire texture into PS at sometime and add drop shadows and such and then just drop the whole thing back in as one.., at 'lock off.'
just got back.., i have downloaded that shader (i still have the good old 32 bit OS) but havent tried it yet.., its exclusive;y mental ray???? is it??
anyway.., i did some stuff in PS.., created a monochromatic image of it for bump or spec.., then went into maya and emulated what i did there on a nurbs plane and added the bump and this is what i got.., using the layered shader.., i have worked out how to use t now i think.., im working on Jeremy's multi-shader of late.., but until i completely understand it..,
this is the normal layered shader with a bump made of the entire image added.
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