I would be so thankfull!!!!
Okay now I explain you what I need and for what I am to dumm for

The mel script should select randomly between maybe 10 cubes with different scale's in the z axis one cube. It should make a inctance copy of this cube an translate it then with the same scale of this cube plus a gap.
In the screenshot you can see what I mean.
I thought It would work maybe with a if and else statment. I mean if the script would randomy choose between the 10 cubes for example cube1 ant it would translate this cube 5 units to the z axis (because that is the scale of the cube1) + 0.15 units (because that is the gap between each cubes) it would work. if it could do that 1000 times I would have one row of my shingles. That would help me so much otherwise I have to do that all by hand