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Search: Posts Made By: Dann
Posted By Dann On 20-08-2009 | Views: 2,073 Replies: 0
Forum: Programming
In Renderman, it's easy to use a per object float attribute to affect a shader network in Slim. Can the same be done in the hypershader? Basically I'd like to add a float attribute to a whole bunch...
Posted By Dann On 02-03-2009 | Views: 2,801 Replies: 0
Forum: Programming
Anyone know of a mel command to find out what render layers exist in a scene? Searched the docs but came up empty.




ls -type renderLayer
Posted By Dann On 10-01-2009 | Views: 2,419 Replies: 2
Forum: Programming

Did I stump the forum?

I love it when I do that.

Makes me proud.

Posted By Dann On 08-01-2009 | Views: 3,721 Replies: 4
Hammer and Rage are right. The best way to do it is with a particle instancer. You can randomize attributes like the speed, lifespan, size, etc that way. Then you can use a ramp or an equation to...
Posted By Dann On 08-01-2009 | Views: 2,692 Replies: 3
If you double click the little arrow connecting your file to your shader it will open the connection editor. Then you can connect the out color > specular color.
Posted By Dann On 08-01-2009 | Views: 2,419 Replies: 2
Forum: Programming
Hey all,

I'm trying to figure out a way to query what objects are in each namespace in my file. Let's assume that I've imported and/or referenced a dozen objects with use namespace turned on so...
Posted By Dann On 05-12-2008 | Views: 2,199 Replies: 3
Forum: Programming

exactly right. much obliged. (fyi... the rotate flag is -rt, but you got me close enough and I appreciate your help)
Posted By Dann On 04-12-2008 | Views: 2,199 Replies: 3
Forum: Programming

Can anyone help me figure out how to query the world space transform and rotational values of an object? I've looked all through the docs and just can't find it. Pivot points no problem,...
Posted By Dann On 13-11-2008 | Views: 1,671 Replies: 0
Forum: Programming
Hi everyone.

I'm brand new at Renderman and could use some help. I just started a new job where they use Slim, and while I'm waiting for Pixar to approve access to the online docs, I would...
Posted By Dann On 24-10-2008 | Views: 1,980 Replies: 0
It seems that Autodesk got rid of the dwgtranslator.mll that used to come with Bonus tools and enabled dxf importing in Maya 8.5. Does anyone knowof another way to get a dxf into Maya 8.5?
Showing results 1 to 10 of 500