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# 1 11-11-2005 , 02:49 PM
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Creature Rigging

Thanks in advance. :bow:

My problem involves realistic motion, painted weights ghosting, and geometry mishaps.
Take a look at the rig below. The clustered spine Spline IK do not allow sufficent movement in bending forward. I am curious as to whether or not a better IK setup should be used (and how I go about setting it up). (off note: is there an efficient way to set up wrist dynamics and movement?)

Geometry mishaps are my next problem. When pulling the IK handles with the IK Setup for the arms (connected from Shoulder to Wrist) to the desired position, the shoulders dislocated/break and the geometry screws up. I think it might involve the vectors, but I am not entirely sure.:headbang:

Lastly, I am getting some weird weight painted ghosts. Select joints have the ability to move other parts of the mesh. When going back and looking at the affected areas, I can see no painted values. After flooding and repainting, the joints still ghost other parts of the mesh. Just curious if anyone had ever had this happen to them.user added image

If you need any more pics, dont hesitate to ask.
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# 2 11-11-2005 , 04:27 PM
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This ghosting you're talking about has happened to me too. I discovered that even though you can't see the painted weight in the affected areas, it is still there. The way I fixed it was to pose the character until the unwanted deformations showed up then I would choose a joint that could likely be causing the problem then paint a zero value over the affected area. If the joint you chose is causing the problem, you will see the strange deformation begin to disappear. I have also found that in many cases, it is more than one joint causing the problem. For instance, on the dinosaur I rigged, I found that all of the joints in the neck were causing dents to show up on the models chest whenever I turned his head so I chose each joint in the neck individually then painted a zero value over the dents. Each joint only removed a small amount of the strange dents but all togeher, the dents were completely gone.

With the Spine IK you could set up more clusters to give you more flexibility. Choose the nurbs curve created by the SpineIK and add more CVs to it. That way you can make more clusters.

I think your IK problem with the arm could be caused by you trying to pose the arm in a way that can not be solved by the IK solver. Which IK solver are you using? You should be using the IKRP solver. It will allow you to rotate the shoulder. If you need to rotate the shoulder to get the pose you're after, you might have to rotate the pole vector of the IK. If you don't and you try to twist the arm, it WILL twist in an extreme and unwanted way. You can set up a locator or other object to aid you in positioning the pole vector although the pole vector comes with it's own manipulator.

I hope some if this info helps user added image

Last edited by Velusion; 11-11-2005 at 04:41 PM.
# 3 16-11-2005 , 10:01 AM
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And dude, why IK fingers???

Trust me you dont want IK on fingers, try with FK and set-up driven keys or connections.

# 4 17-11-2005 , 11:53 PM
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This creature uses it's limbs to propell itself (along with its tail). What kind of setup (heirarchy-cally) would I need if I was attempting get the visual of him doing a pushup without his arms geoing below the floor axis.

Note: I am bending his spine so he can reach the ground
Note2:The IK hanldes for the arms (located on wrists) are staying put while I bend the mesh and other joints forward, is there a way to make them stick with their respective joints?


# 5 18-11-2005 , 07:13 AM
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Remove IK handels from the fingers, then set driven keys for them!

# 6 18-11-2005 , 09:10 PM
utpal's Avatar
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one way to avoid this 'ghosting' that you are talking about is, immediately after skinning, go and prune small skin weights. (it should be under the skin menu). put the value to .3 or so, and apply. this will remove all the influnces whose value is less then .3 .
also, while painting skin weights, always add values rather than subtract. maya has to keep the total value of weights to 1. so, if you subtract, maya automatically applies the subtracted value to some other random joint. which you don't want.

# 7 20-11-2005 , 12:33 AM
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Originally posted by darijo203
Remove IK handels from the fingers, then set driven keys for them!

IK handles have been removed. Having trouble figuring out the DK for the joints.

How do you recommend I set it up?

# 8 14-12-2005 , 07:25 PM
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Attribute Copies?

Ok, entire rig has redone thx to help from you guys. user added image

Is it possible to copy attributes from one object to another?

I have a controller set up for hand/finger manipulation. Now I have mirrored the skeleton, is there a way to copy the attributes/controller to the mirrored joints?


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