I Could not agree more with Rage. I really did not want to offend anyone I was simply speaking out of angst and frustration towards those depend on the presets and default shaders, yet get the most attention and are regarded as being "Skilled Modellers." As Laurie priest said many art communities are overcrowded with those who simply think they're the best because they abuse the presets. I think presets can be great for example purposes when it comes to learning how things work and are put together on a professional level, I know I have learned much from looking at the presets in the Maya shader library as well as the fluid presets and even some character models on the A|W website. However for those who abuse them, defaults and presets do an injustice to those artists who actually spend weeks or months modelling/texturing/mapping/rigging and animating a quality character. I do understand that Bryce is a good stepping stone towards greater 3d programs like Maya and I agree with you that many people have used it and have learned much from them. I know I have used it quite a few times in the past before I even knew what Maya was, and I still use it occasionally(rarely) today. It's just sad when people claim they are skilled because they simply create a sphere, use the multi replicate tool, and slap on a F-ing Christmas Ball shader for every single image they make.Again, I do NOT wanna piss off anyone here, as it's just my crappy opinion, and to each his own...
yes, I agree. But not just lying, it's ignorance that really bugs me as well - when a person presumes that the presets are 'theirs' once they have used them. It's when the artist does not give credit to the presets that a problem arises.Originally posted by Witchy
If people want to create great still images without modelling then why shouldn't they use premade models; the important thing for me is they should SAY they are doing that.
It's people lying about making the models which is the problem with those programmes, not the programmes themselves imho.
That is exactly how I feel!!:thumbsup: because that's the way i came to Maya.Originally posted by LauriePriest
Amen to that, its true.. but i agree with mike, anyone who starts off with poser or bryce and realises that .. its not there own stuff, but by using them gets interested into 3D and so moves on to the greater packages out there, i dont mind that. But yeh.. the people who just.. throw a load of presets into a scene and render it out as a piece of their art.... .. i do not agree with at all.