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# 61 27-05-2003 , 11:40 PM
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I don't feel that there were any more Biblical references in Reloaded than there were in the original movie.

# 62 27-05-2003 , 11:45 PM
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Hmmmm.... to be able to fly.... hehe

No prob, my friend. I generally don't like to force my beliefs on anyone. I also don't like others cutting me or my beliefs down either. It's hard sometimes just to know what to say and when. I appreciate everyones opinions, and the last thing I want to do is offend anyone. Life's hard enough without someone screaming at you about eternal damnation and all that. In my opinion, that doesn't get anyone anywhere. Through my life I've found that people will beleive what they believe. You can't force anyone to believe something they don't believe. Simple as that.

But my opinions on the specific scenes in the Matrix Reloaded stands. IMO, they only called Zion, Zion because it sounded cool. I was kinda let down. Who cares really? I kinda agree with Kevin that the movie wasn't all it was cracked up to be. The story ended OK, but most of the movie was incredibly slow. But I enjoyed it for the $7.50 I spent on it!

# 63 28-05-2003 , 02:25 AM
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You people have a problem with sex!
Sex rules! Give me sex anytime over work or whatever, I´ll "copulate" till she just can´t scream anymore, and then I´ll "copulate" some more! Sex rules! user added image

# 64 28-05-2003 , 02:36 AM
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I liked the movie, but not as much as the first Matrix or as much as I liked The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. The special effects were nearly flawless and impressive. I wish it had done more with the storyline though and had shortened the fight scenes a bit. It seemed like the multiple Agent Smith fight lasted 10-15 minutes. That's way too long for me. I noticed all kinds of parallels to the Bible. It's difficult to not notice them in fact. I too, think that the sex scene was unneccesary. It didn't add to the story much in my opinion. The only major thing I see wrong with this movie is the religious aspect of it all. In my opinion, Christianity doesn't mix well with excessive violence and the exploitation of sex.

I suppose I should go ahead and state that I am not trying to force Christianity on anyone, offend anyone by what I believe, blah, blah, blah..... and that this is my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. Seems like we have to write a complete legal statement at the end of every post these days. Pitiful.....

# 65 28-05-2003 , 08:34 AM
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Originally posted by wchamlet
No prob, my friend. I generally don't like to force my beliefs on anyone. [...] You can't force anyone to believe something they don't believe. Simple as that.

sorry, i did not mean you in particular at all with forcing beliefs. i should have stated that more clearly that i meant some that do so. you express your opninion only. and you have all the right to do so.

Originally posted by Darkware
In my opinion, Christianity doesn't mix well with excessive violence and the exploitation of sex.

it might not be appropriate for really christian people. but very ugly things happened in the past by people that clamined to be christians. the holy crusades for instance - declaring them holy does not make them any better. but as i am not responsible what the germans did in ww2 so the christian people that live today are not responsible for the horrible crimes in the past by wanna-be-christians. if i say germans, i do not mean the poor soldier that had simply no chance to do otherwise - i meant the ones giving the top orders.

# 66 28-05-2003 , 08:49 AM
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Originally posted by Darkware
I suppose I should go ahead and state that I am not trying to force Christianity on anyone, offend anyone by what I believe, blah, blah, blah..... and that this is my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. Seems like we have to write a complete legal statement at the end of every post these days. Pitiful.....

i dont think you have to do that. my belief is that this:

Originally posted by Ultragames
Sorry. I just REALY hate when people fly in liek Super-Religeon-Boy! And turn everything into some spin on religeon.

should under no circumstance have happened here. this is directly against wchamlet as i read it. and i myself distance myself from this.

it is ok to say that the makers of the matrix did not meet my expectations or that i really was annoyed by that. but it is not ok to tell people what they have to think themselves about it.

just my opinion

# 67 29-05-2003 , 07:48 PM
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>> For all I know Neo can take a ride on a sentinal all the way to the surface. Land on a beach with palm trees. Make a martini with a little umbrella, and sun himself till the end of time. Sounds just as likely as some of my theories. LOL

Martini. Shaken or Stirred ? user added image

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

Last edited by mayaguy_dr; 29-05-2003 at 07:54 PM.
# 68 30-05-2003 , 04:31 AM
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i Can't beleive soo mant people were dissapointed!!

I thought the sex scene was odd, no more no less.

I LOVED the smith scene, i think its alotta motion control shots/stunt doubles and then about halfway through it switches to ALL CG. And even tho he looked alittle rubber, i was sitll so amazed with what he was doing!! Was anyone actually paying attention to that?!? i feel like no one actually WATCHED this movie, just look for all the flaws.

Also the Tractor Trailer scene was AMAZING!!!! NO IDEA how the woulda filmed the bullet time for that! I watched and morpheus and the Key maker are lit for the explosion perfectly, and the neo just comes and picks them up right in the middle. Amazing.

I'm sorry alotta ya didn't like it, hopefully Revolutions will redeem for you. And for the rest OMG i gotta buy that DVD!!

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# 69 30-05-2003 , 04:57 AM
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I'd have to agree with Vector. It dosn't bother me though at all that some didn't like it. some people don't like peaches, some people don't like apples.. now what is better !!!!! ?????? not saying anyone hear needs it .. I just find it a bit silly when people don't state "I just have difrent taste than you" insted what some people do is try to tear something apart becouse they don't like it.. Its all good though..

I think the movie just rocks.. I think it had exilet crafting in it.. I agree with some though that the transitions could have bean better.. but ask your self .. would that have requred the movie to be longer ??? action movies that are 4 houres long do not do very well..
the story is well crafted. It has a well understood plot.. good enufe to watch.. but it also has a more subtel plot that makes you want to watch it agin. To be blunt the movie is not to boring, ware you understand every thing and you can predict what is comeing, and its not so vage that you watch it with this continuse sence of WTF !!!

I watched the movie I didn't look for flows.. and I didn't see any.. I watched the first one and didn't look for flows.. but I still seen some in that ONE...

and there is new ground braking stuf in the second.. its just not so odveuse..

How can you do to much ground braking new stuf.. when you are expected to stay with the style of the first movie ???
I meen I have seen the tralers for T3.. and I am willing to say already that when viewing all 3 of them together what you will notice most is the change in the afects.. not how well they fit together.. they will look more like a history lesson on CG.. and will show very little on the craft of movie making.. but with arnald in there, its still fun.. LOL

Last edited by Pony; 30-05-2003 at 04:59 AM.
# 70 30-05-2003 , 06:19 AM
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you said it pony!!!

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# 71 30-05-2003 , 12:22 PM
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i should have taken the warning i havent seen the movie and im so lost!LOL over here everyone went from criticizing the movie in good and bad ways to religion LOL thats nuts

in the religion par i think its nice they used some biblical names humans tend always to look for answers in the bible *usually* when bad things happens

the other thing i dunno havent seen it friends told me its cool LOL ive gotta see it!! user added image the xmen2 its cool too i luved it user added image

Great Spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the person who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express their opinions courageously and honestly.
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# 72 30-05-2003 , 12:54 PM
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as philip from slw said to me:

in zion they acted like a bunch of religious fanitics... in the end I wanted the machines to win

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# 73 30-05-2003 , 08:17 PM
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Ok. So lets move away from the whole religion thing. I also just saw that this thread made the front page of SM. Thanks guys.

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# 74 31-05-2003 , 05:27 AM
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well, nobody said matrix was heaven and i believe the correct term for Zion is HAVEN and not HEAVEN. big difference there. all of you have a lot of different opinions about the movie. christianity is not the only form of religion that was incorporated in the movie so let's not bash christianity, ok? user added image

about the whold sex scene. i think so too that it was kinda inappropriate. they could have just cut it short. you can film neo and trinity having sex that wouldn't take atleast 10 to 15 minutes. user added image

back to talking about CG, i agree with ragecgi. being an artist, 3d artist to be precise, we tend to be very detail oriented. me and my co-workers were all talking about what's cg and what's not in the movie. but when you talk to a simple person, he wouldn't know the difference. about the 100 smiths, i think the only cg in them would be their faces. if you would look clearly, their faces are just composited on them. though when it came to the part where neo bashed some of the smiths, they turn to 3d. but it was fast enough to fool the audience. it was cool. user added image also the part in the freeway where the agent jumped on the car, that was pure cg! well, i think it is. user added image

# 75 31-05-2003 , 05:33 AM
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the car jumping scene is about 70% CG. from man to Car to bg cars.

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