Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 91 25-03-2003 , 07:30 AM
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why the coalition couldn't wait 100-120 days? its very easy! because iraq is in the dessert and in 100-120 it is too hot! and the army coasts money when they just "wait" too!

i think all of you agree that saddam isn't a good guy and he shouldn't be the head of his country. and it's also right that he used a delay tactic. and the first movement of the usa was absolutly correct! make pressure and taking the topic iraq to the un! but then there have should been a more "democratic" way, i don't know what it could be (perhaps a new election under the authority of the un and armed forces to save the iraqis)...

and the most important thing i want to know your comment:
all is money!
saddam keep the money for hisself and not for the ppl
the us make the war because of the money
france etc. voted against the resolution in the un because they earn money with iraq (elf for example)
even our country (which is should be neutral) makes everything for the money - if the economie is envolved the neutrality isn't so important anymore!!!

and that makes me angry! if just the ppl would be the cause of this!!!!

# 92 25-03-2003 , 07:51 AM
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drj, thx for the compliment and I can assure you the feeling is mutual.
I must say though, the inspectors made lots of unplanned 'visits' to sites all over the country. Not only where Hussein wanted them to go.

jklaroe, people in middle east are absolutely not jealous of our freedoms. They live in a whole other culture where they don't have the same materialistic goals as we do. I guess both systems have their pro's and con's. No need to force our system on them, if they don't ask for it.

alexgc, very well spoken idd!

abra, idd it's all about the money (hehe reminds me of a certain song titleuser added image)
Also for the US. Probably about 90% of the western worlds interventions is because of money, not because we are such holy saviours or whatever.

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# 93 25-03-2003 , 03:18 PM
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Well said Alex.

Btw, if it was about the money, we wouldn't be in it. It's going to cost upwards of 100 billion dollars for this war, if we cared about the money, then we wouldn't be doing it. A few of the european countries are tthe ones with issues with money. hehe...

God Bless you and 3D
# 94 25-03-2003 , 05:57 PM
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Bush and his party's campaign were mainly financed by the oil and weapon industry. So this is actually bringing enormous amounts of money in for them.
Like many people say, Bush is taking his orders from the bigshots of those companies. Ofcourse this is all speculation.

Edit: plz don't say that I'm bashing Bush and the US again. I'm only saying it the way I hear and interpret it.

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# 95 25-03-2003 , 06:58 PM
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I think we can all agree to this:

Whether we like it or not, the war has started, and there isn't really anything that's going to stop it from coming to whatever conclusion that happens. We can only all hope and pray for a quick end and as little bloodshed as possible.

I hope we can ALSO all agree that the actions of one nation, religion, ethnic group, or organization's leaders do not necessarily reflect the views of all those within it and all people should not be judged based on those views.

# 96 25-03-2003 , 07:10 PM
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Definitely agree with that MT.
It would be nearly impossible to know all the true angles of this thing and make an unbiased judgement. Governments have "interests" that sometimes don't reflect its own people and hardly reflect a Democratic process. I would just rather prefer to see a Friday night fight where the actual leaders slip on the gloves and box it i'd pay for something like that!

just trying to pick a few things up
# 97 25-03-2003 , 07:25 PM
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Originally posted by drj
Definitely agree with that MT.
I would just rather prefer to see a Friday night fight where the actual leaders slip on the gloves and box it i'd pay for something like that!

Heh should see some of the "no holds barred" fights I go to....That would definitely settle differences! The last one I went to there were more fights in the audience than in the ring.
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# 98 25-03-2003 , 10:37 PM
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I can agree with that Mike and drj

hooray, we've reached a truce at last!user added image
now if only our governments could do the same thing, the world would be a much better placeuser added image :banana:

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# 99 25-03-2003 , 10:39 PM
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I'll second that over a nice cold beeruser added image

just trying to pick a few things up
# 100 26-03-2003 , 12:41 AM
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at last...


# 101 26-03-2003 , 01:19 AM
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Beer... something everyone understands and agrees on user added image

Have to say though - overall this is probably the most informed and civil war threads I've seen in the past few days. People accepting other peoples opinions on somthing of this magnitude is somthing of a rareity.
latest I've read about the war is this:

20 dead uk servicemen. only 2 of which have been killed by Iraqi's (!)

There are reports of uprising (ie regular iraqi troops and civilians turning on the republican guard)in Basra. If this is true then this is surely the best news yet of this war.... it only takes a few to trigger the rest.

# 102 26-03-2003 , 02:29 AM
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mmmm beer....but what beer?? Dont get me started on what the best beer is!! I'll take u all on!! Actually, im open to all opinions (almost typed onions lol)

(It's Stella btw)


seriously tho, I wholeheartdely agree with u Kal, alot of so called discussions about the war ive seen have turned into overheated arguments. This thread actually threatened to boil over a few times but in the end we saved it.

Beer saves the day once again. Is there anything it cant do??

Also im afraid, the war is entering its toughest stage. Once the allies reach Baghdad I worry about the number of coalition casualties we will see. Furthermore there is a rumour that the Fedayeen and Republican Guards have been given the authority to use chemical and biological weapons against the allied forces around Baghdad. I sincerely hope it doesnt come to this. Its bad enough that the Fedayeen are fighting an underhand war by dressing as civillians. You see, Saddam shows no respect toward his own kin....its a very sad world when a supposed 'leader' of men shows a blatant disregard for humanity like this...This guy must be removed asap...for the betterment of all...

# 103 26-03-2003 , 03:03 AM
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I'd just like to know where all the left-wing protesters were when Saddam gassed the Kurds in the North....or how about when he used nerve gas against the Iranians in the end of the Iraq-Iran war....or how about when he invaded Kuwait???? Tired of all the bs from left-wing hypocrites who support those who do evil and attack those who try to do good.

Seems like just another excuse to bash America...not that I care about the little pisspot european nations...especially know...the one who sold the first reactor to Saddam to help him get started?

Damn, that felt good user added image


Red bellows of flame have blackened my stones
Convulsing my frame and cracking my bones
Hell's dragons of steel who roar in their chains
Crawl into my caves to suck out my veins.....

-The Mountain P.F.M.
# 104 26-03-2003 , 03:13 AM
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Originally posted by Darkon
I'd just like to know where all the left-wing protesters were when Saddam gassed the Kurds in the North....or how about when he used nerve gas against the Iranians in the end of the Iraq-Iran war....or how about when he invaded Kuwait???? Tired of all the bs from left-wing hypocrites who support those who do evil and attack those who try to do good.

Seems like just another excuse to bash America...not that I care about the little pisspot european nations...especially know...the one who sold the first reactor to Saddam to help him get started?

Damn, that felt good user added image


Thank you. Well said.
# 105 26-03-2003 , 03:24 AM
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Right when I thought we had control over this thread... user added image

Civil, please! I know it can be difficult sometimes, but please try. No country bashing!

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