Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
Yeah, I've got it up and running in Maya Vlad, but I'm not sure how to use it or what it's for :S I've heard its a great tool for edge loops etc, but it doesn't seem to do anything, so I'm presumingI'm using it wrong, and the instructions/documentation on it is down
If you believe in telekinesis, raise my right hand.
just do like vladimirjp told - put both scripts - the MJPolyTools and the MJPolyToolsUI into your scripts directory, update your userSetup.mel (type -> MJPolyTools which is also in your scriptsDirectory and restart maya. I case I misunderstood and you need the script itself, here you go. alltho it is written for maya4.0 it is also running with maya7.0 which I use.
you can also put the iconFiles into your local pref/icon directory