Digital humans the art of the digital double
Ever wanted to know how digital doubles are created in the movie industry? This course will give you an insight into how it's done.
# 1 22-10-2006 , 10:30 AM
MattTheMan's Avatar
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Indigo Renderer- Unbiased Renderer

I know i've posted this before, but that was in the old times... of Indigo 0.4. It was slow. It was buggy. Nobody liked it. But now, I'm posting again because of this renderer being amazing and free! Plus, we need more Maya users with Indigo user added image

Indigo 0.6.5 is out, outrunning 0.5 by at least 2-3 times in speed. Indigo even beats Maxwell Renderer at interior rendering speed user added image. You can find a link to the forum thread hosting it here:

Indigo Homepage->

Indigo has many features that make it unique, including physically based sky simulation, wavelength based rendering, caustics, global illumination, many materials such as glass, metal, diffuse, and plastic, and many more.

ArneOOg from these forums, as well as myself, Matt B. have written an exporter for Maya->Indigo user added image Find it here->

I also have two tutorials up for Maya->Indigo. ArneOog wrote one too user added image Find them at:
I'm ThatDude33 on the Indigo Forums, by the way user added image.

I've picked out three images that I think came out great- out of Indigo user added image, but you can find more at

user added image
Image By: lunarman at the Indigo Forums

user added image
Image By: manitwo at the Indigo Forums

user added image
Image By: U3dreal at the Indigo Forums

user added image
Image By: MattTheMan aka. ThatDude33 [list]

Live the life you love, love the life you live
# 2 22-10-2006 , 12:36 PM
Joopson's Avatar
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haha, yeah... even i like Indigo! haha
nice post matt, lol
but seriously.
Indigo is really good (not as good as maxwelluser added image) but still good, hahauser added image

Environment Artist @ Plastic Piranha
# 3 24-10-2006 , 01:56 AM
MattTheMan's Avatar
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Location: Fairfield, CT
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I'd really be surprised if it was better than maxwell.. Maxwell is produced by a large team, as well as costing you $1000 a copy. Indigo is free, as well as created by a single guy in his spare time user added image

Live the life you love, love the life you live
# 4 24-10-2006 , 07:46 PM
arneoog's Avatar
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Posts: 189
Everyone here should tro it out user added image
No actual installation and it's under 2 MB
Also it's really easy to use when you know alittle about the Scene format (ascii xml)
I really like it, it's free :attn: ...and it's physically correct user added image

That's my advertisement :p

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