Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 1 23-11-2003 , 01:35 AM
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Down and Out... for a minute.

This week has been utter crap for me. I had a broken molar in the very back that started acting up. So for three days I was living off of Vicoden that I had from my last trip to the dentist. Today I ran out of it and the pain was unbearable. Looked furiously thru the yellow pages for a dentist that was open on Saturdays. Found one close by that was open every other Saturday. Luckily, today was one of those every other days. So I went, Doc took some xrays, told me that there were two bad teeth but one could be saved with root canal and a cap. "How much?" I asked him. He told me $850! WOOOOOO! Pull the sucker, I can get used to eating Jello. user added image

So, I'm two teeth down now and feeling much better. I had to do this today considering I start my new job on Monday. There would be no way I could get teeth pulled then teach a class all day. woooo!

But here's a weird thing. On the form you fill out when you get there, it asked if I was allergic to anything. I'm allergic to penicillin, so that's what I put. After the surgery, I go to get the prescriptions filled, take two pills and go lay down. Not sure what the dosage was to be, I go and read the bottle. WTF! It's PENICILLIN! OMG!

Well, I'm still alive, but I have some serious inquiries as to why I would be prescribed a drug that I am allergic to. Sounds like a serious lawsuit to me, eh?

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Dave Baer
Professor of Digital Arts
Digital Media Arts College
Boca Raton, Florida
# 2 23-11-2003 , 01:48 AM
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Yes it is buddy!

I am allergic to Pennecillin as well, and shame on me for not wearing anything indicating that in the event of an accident, but that's beside my point...

Seriously man, talk to an attorney NOW about this, AND talk to your doc asap about it as well to get new meds!

When that happened to me when I was a kid, my mom said I blew up like the michelin man, and had welts all over me, and I kept throwing up so much I lost a lot of wheight.

...wish I was still skinny now.... hehe..

Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS
# 3 23-11-2003 , 01:49 AM
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Dentists user added image Failed medical students. Mumble.

He should have asked you as well as referring to the notes as 'allergic' can mean different things to different people.

I'd take the drug back, point out the error and see what they say first, I'd also ask for a copy of the form you filled in when you do as that might get 'lost'.

In terms of suing well you are in America and you can probably sue him for breathing, but in the UK you would need to show some effect of a negligent act really. First thing is to get a copy of everything and if you are serious get a Doctor to certify an allergic reaction and provide a copy of any records showing you have an allergy. If you suffered absolutely no effects you are possibly on shakier ground but there would probably be something in it. At the very least you need new antibiotics as the larger risk at present would be a worsening infection because you cannot take the drugs you were given. If they give you a replacement set of meds for free don't sign anything when you collect them without reading it carefully - you could find later you signed a waiver to forget it as you got a new prescription for free.

Last edited by Witchy; 23-11-2003 at 01:53 AM.
# 4 23-11-2003 , 10:30 PM
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My daughter is also allergic to penicillin, and there was some other form that a doctor tried on her when she was sick. If I recall right, its not the penicillin itself, but the dye used. I hope I'm not talking out my ass here and I'll double check with my wife, she remembers this stuff a lot better. I'd still check with a lawyer as if you have a reaction to it, you want legal action immediately.

Glad you're feeling better from the tooth aches though.

AL San Miguel
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# 5 23-11-2003 , 11:38 PM
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Allergic reactions can be to the actual penicillin and also to the molecule elements attached to penicillin derivatives like amoxillin. Normally adults are not allergic to the dye on the drugs themselves (that's occasional in children but it isn't that common either), but to a part of the drug that the original has been modified with. Thing is allergic reactions can vary from having a bit of a rash 3 weeks after stopping the drug to anaphylactic shock. Without a skin test you cannot say for sure whether you are allergic or not, as you might just have general disruptive symptoms associated with taking antibiotics.

That's why people prescribing antibiotics should ask what your understanding of allergic is when you tick that box.

# 6 24-11-2003 , 12:11 AM
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well bummer... turns out Im not allergic to penicillin after all. I know I'm not crazy though. For years, my mom told me that I was. So I called her asking her about it and she said I'm not allergic. ?!?!?!

Ahh, senility. Either Im not or she just can't remember if I was. user added image

Either way, I took the meds and have had no reaction, so I guess Im not allergic.

Scratch off another lawsuit. Damn! I've got to get rich somehow! user added image

Dave Baer
Professor of Digital Arts
Digital Media Arts College
Boca Raton, Florida
# 7 24-11-2003 , 12:13 AM
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allergic to penicillin to user added image

makes me really sick

# 8 24-11-2003 , 03:30 AM
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Raises hand. allergic to penicillin. yeah.. neak sweals and cant breath.. bad thing..

# 9 24-11-2003 , 03:48 AM
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No penicilin for Pony until I have a really large life insurance policy on him.... *WEG*

NO>>>NO >>> I am kidding... would rather be poor with a very lively Pony than insurance rich..

BTW... did you all know that canabis is an excellant antibiotic???


(hoping my post does not get censored)

What can I say... I am a, no longer indilging exhippie.

"Si vis pacem para bellum" if you desire peace, prepare for war.
# 10 24-11-2003 , 04:05 AM
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neak sweals ?

Oh man, that can't be good. user added image

Dave Baer
Professor of Digital Arts
Digital Media Arts College
Boca Raton, Florida
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