I'm making a scene that have sauce pour on a crab (on a dish). I was able to make the sauce look good, but the sauce wouldn't stick on the surface, it just slide away (like water on oil paper). I need to make the particle stick the where they collide with the surface.
I know there are a few way that help, like increase the friction. But increasing the friction would make the sauce too thick, right now they are smooth just the way i want, also if I increase the friction I would need more particles to make it look realistic, and my machine can't handle that.
I search around and saw the same question:
The solution showed that i need to do some script writing, and i only know a few of scripting, like really really basic stuff.
Does anyone can help me? like all the way? what to do and where to put this and that...
I would really need some help right now.
Thank you for your concern.
PS: I ask this question all the way from Vietnam so you know how desperate i am