So again, for the introduction; I am relatively new to Maya, but as a result of FINALLY getting my life together, I am currently using Maya 2023 I have done an animation course in 2017 where we never actually used the guidebook and due to my lack of committment/electrical courses I recieved an F. Than I took the course again in 2020 where the instructor had provided us all with a character rigg and I decided to use my own voice to produce a motivational 15 second clip and spent great effort in making the mouth movement appear realistic and It had greatly contributed to my success in the class to pass! Now each and every one of us in SimplyMaya are in the middle of 2023 and I decided to pick up my Maya 2020 book and actually go through each chapter on my own time after work. Google has assisted in issues and it has gotten to the point where I am unable to find answers and decided to join my very first online community. I am here seeking your assistance and hoping to meet awesome colleagues along the way!
My technical issue is on page 121 Lesson 4.5 Tutorial #5: Create a Birail Surface
I will type every step and I guarantee I followed every step and I got absolutely nowhere, especially when it states that the Help line will tell me what surfaces to click on next.. it does not. it literally tells me the function of the tool that is currently selected and that is it. it does NOT tell me "What surfaces to click on next"
1-Click the 4 view button
2-Create a NURBS Primitivies Square menu command
3-Select the SCALE tool and increase its size to fill the view panel
4-Click on the Select by Component Type button in the status line (Or press F8)
5-Drag over the middle two CVs in the TOP and BOTTOM line
6-Select the MOVE tool and drag the CVs upward in the FRONT View Panel
7-Drag over the middle two CVs in the LEFT and RIGHT lines in the Top View Panel
8-Drag downward in the FRONT View Panel
9-Click AWAY from all the curves, to DESELECT them, and click on Select by Object Type button in the status line.
10-Select the Surfaces, Birail, Birail 2 Tool Menu Command. (all I see is a dark blue outlining of the shape I manipulated)
"The Help line displayed the order in which the curves need to be clicked" (SOLVED-Hit Birail 2 options dialog box and click on bottom left within this window to make the Help dialog work)
11-Drag over the left and right lines of the square in the Top view. Then drag over the top and bottom lines in the Top View Panel (Whatever two sides I drag turn green... and other sides are blue.. thats it)
12-Press the 3 key to see the new NURBS surface at a higher resolution (Nothing happens)
13-Select Save Scene As and save the file as "Complete Waste of Time" (Pun intended, its supposed to be saved as "Birail surface.mb"
Please help me out lol