Digital humans the art of the digital double
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# 46 12-03-2008 , 10:09 AM
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I like it a lot! Very interesting concept.

The one thing that bothers me though is how you have her hold the book. It looks "unnatural". It should be held away from her, not towards her.

Think about how you hold a book that big like that...uncomfortable right?

Plus, I think it may help if you put some kind of left embossing on the book, similar to the clasp for the Hobbits on Lord of the Rings.

This inspired me to do a model on Mother Confessor in Sword of Truth series (of course, I need to learn how to fully model a human first!).

# 47 13-03-2008 , 12:35 AM
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Im really glad you like it!
Thanks a lot!
I think you are right about the hold of the book.
The thing is that I havent model the hands yet, and not sure if it going to be hands or gloves.. I think Im going to model gloves.

And I grab a maya book I have to see how the caracter should grab it. And is like grab form the bottom and towards the body.. Maybe if she grab it in some other way.. it would look more interesting..

Mmm I dont know what is a left embossing?? ( Sorry is just that english is my second language..) Maybe is some kind of desing in the cover? It has some desing in the front cover but in the render we see the back of the book. Mmm.. or can you explaint to me what you mean? user added image

Im glad and honored that my work has inspire you user added image
I dont know that character.. do you have a link to see it?

I recomend you to see a lot of pictures and wireframes of characters.. that helps a lot. And dont get discourage in the modeling process if some shape is not looking the way you want.. just keep up and try to fix it user added image

And of course always model with reference images.

# 48 13-03-2008 , 06:40 AM
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A little change in the dress desing

Thinking in how to animate the character.. has make me change a little bit the desing of the dress..
For that I have cut the front part of the dress and model the legs and the boots.

Let me know what you think plz.. I think it looks fine..

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# 49 13-03-2008 , 08:07 AM
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looks nice - though it might be cool to lose the whole back and make it short! user added image

# 50 13-03-2008 , 08:33 AM
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Yes it would be cool, but if I use cloth animation on the dress it would be way cool to leave that part long... and Im planing to make an attempt to set cloth on that.. hope turns that ok.user added image

# 51 13-03-2008 , 09:59 PM
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Originally posted by kazama

Mmm I dont know what is a left embossing?? ( Sorry is just that english is my second language..) Maybe is some kind of desing in the cover? It has some desing in the front cover but in the render we see the back of the book. Mmm.. or can you explaint to me what you mean? user added image

Im glad and honored that my work has inspire you user added image
I dont know that character.. do you have a link to see it?

Oops, I meant embossing. Like this - CLICK HERE for example

Kahlan Amnell is a main female character from Sword of Truth series. There is no picture of her, so it's all has to do with imagination. If you do a search, you'll see some other people's rendition of her. She has very long honey colored hair (and is the only one allowed across the lands to have long hair because she's the Mother Confessor), long and flowing white dress with gold belt, She wields an unbelievable power that can make all men bow to her. She also has travel clothes for traveling, but she's mainly known for her white dress and long hair.

If you like Lord of the Rings/ Harry Potter, I can almost promise you that you will like Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind in the Sword of Truth Series.

# 52 13-03-2008 , 11:01 PM
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Ohhh I now understand.. like a bump map in the name of the book! Yes thats looking cool, im going to do that.. Thanks user added image
Or maybe I should model the emboss, with a extrude or something like that, but im going to do it for sure.

And that character is awesome.. nice desing, also has a good background story, I think you sould give it a try. user added image

And yes I love lord of the rings, the movies peter jackson made are very inspiring, are simply fantastic, those one of my favorites storys and movies, of course.. I love epic movies like that one.
But I havent read the books user added image

And like I say, you should give it a try.. What I do for example when im modeling a character is looking at alot references images, legs, arms, bodys, and etc.

# 53 27-03-2008 , 08:18 AM
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Well im working know on the setting of the character and testing some cloth simulation on the dress.. but I have a problem.
I instaled maya 8.5, and I was working on maya 7.0.. but the scene and everything works perfect in this new version, but when I save my scene in the new version, and the opened, it displays a error and all my object are gonne except for the head.. also all the constrains for the bones are not working ok.

So i go for a older version of the character and save that just to see if it happend again, and is the same result. So the maya 8.5 is messing up my scenes when I save it.. Dont know why. Maybe some of you have encounter the same problem and know how to fix it? I wanna continue in the new version.. but if I can save my files I just have to go back to maya 7.0.

# 54 16-04-2008 , 04:43 AM
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Well right now im realy frustated because the dress cant be animated by cloth.. It solves at a realy low tessalation but I need more polys to make the cloth solve better, but maya cant simulate the dress, it runs out of memory, or simply says cant solve going back one frame, and end up in a loop going one frame and then going back, and dosent solve.

I know how to use cloth, I have the digital tutors dvd about cloth I know about constrains and how to use the cloth, but I think its about the subdivision of the collision object and the subdivision of the cloth that for some reason the machine cant solve and runs out of memory.. I can make Flags, basics simulations, a cape but when It comes to simulate a complex character and a dress, looks like it cant be donne, maybe I need a NASA SUPER COMPUTER to solve this.. and its not like I have millions and milions of polys.

I also have remodel the dress, with curves and then creating panels and garments the sew those together, but is the same result, cant solve at a higer resolution, maya even give me a FATAL ERROR some times while solving. And the computer is a dual core, 2gb of ram and it has a good 3d card.

I have on the low poly body and gloves and boots and face just 3836 total faces and the smooth version is just a level 3 subdivision on my smooth proxy and that is 69600 faces total, so its not like I have something with too much subds.

So im realy frustrated now, I really dont want to animate the dress with a smooth bind and joints, but looks like I have no other choice and then try to use a little soft bodys on the dress but my character right now is completely bind, with the rig donne,and all the blend shapes donne, the only thing missing is the dress, so I dont know if im going to have problems adding more joint to animate the tail of the dress and then bind it ..

So if someone have some other BETTER solution plz your advice is wellcome.

So.. for now Im just going to upload a print screen with the bind of the character and some blend shapes and the controls for animation. user added image

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# 55 16-04-2008 , 12:15 PM
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What cloth are you using, standard or ncloth? If its ncloth I might have a workaround.

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# 56 16-04-2008 , 08:13 PM
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Im using the standar, cz I have maya 7.0. I trie to make the jump to maya 8.5 with this proyect but the proyect opens perfect but the problem is when I save the file .. I save the file then when I opened again is all damage, all the textures are missing, the constrains, almost all of my object too. So i go back to maya 7.0.

Any Ideas?

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