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# 1 19-04-2006 , 08:44 AM
happymat27's Avatar
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Batch render question

Hello folks,

I'm making a a small animation for the intro to my web site and have come across a batch render peculiarity. The image on the left shows what I get if I render all of the frames in a batch render, the image on the right shows the same frame when I use batch render for that frame only. Any ideas why there's the difference in light?

Thanks for your help,


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# 2 19-04-2006 , 08:20 PM
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i don't have a direct answer to that one, but sometimes these odd things happen, a handy little script to write is one that renders the current frame into the render view window saves that image, then renders the next one.

# 3 20-04-2006 , 06:18 AM
happymat27's Avatar
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Thanks for your input Westiemad, I'll look into the MEL script suggestion.

Take it easy,


# 4 20-04-2006 , 09:14 PM
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I can't answer your question but, if you want to only render the current frame then why not just hit the Render button? The frame will render using all of your global render settings then you can simply save the frame... That's what I do.

# 5 21-04-2006 , 06:30 AM
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Thanks for your thought Velusion, I only used that frame as an example I need to render 48 frames.

I was happy with the image using the render frame button so I tried the batch render using a different camera attached to a motion path and it turned out very dark, so in a process of elimination I used the second camera to batch render one frame and it had the same output as hitting the render button with the original persp camera (lighter). I then attached the original persp camera to the motion path to do a batch render and it was very dark again but batch rendering one frame with that camera produced the lighter output. Confused, I am!!

I've decided that I quite like the darker image now although I have upped the GI a touch. I would still be very interested to know if anybody has an answer or any ideas as I'd hate for this to happen if I was doing a more important animation.



# 6 07-05-2006 , 11:22 AM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 20
Bumping this thread because I'm having a similar problem.

A single frame renders perfectly (in the render window), but batch render produces images with no raytrace shadows or final gather.

I like the sound of this idea:

a handy little script to write is one that renders the current frame into the render view window saves that image, then renders the next one.

But have no idea how to go about implementing it. Is such a script something even a non-programmer like me could write, or would I have to spend months in MEL school?

# 7 07-05-2006 , 11:40 AM
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Here you go guys:

for($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++)
renderIntoNewWindow render;
renderWindowMenuCommand keepImageInRenderView renderView;

ok an explanation.

for($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++)

this is a loop, while the condition is true it will run the code between the {}, so $i =1 sets our new variable called i, to 1, the next is a test, $i < 11, eg is i less that 11, the last in the increment, in this case $i++ means add one to i each time the loop reaches the last bracket, so set $i = to the start frame number, and the $i < to your last frame number + 1, or u can change < to <= and put in the last frame.

The rest is ripped from the script editor. Basically it'll render all the images one at a time and save them into the render view window, so u can save them manually, I will look at making this auto after lunch user added image. Oh and once u start it u can't stop it at the mo, it has to end the loop.

test it with an animated sphere



for($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++)
renderIntoNewWindow render;
renderWindowSaveImageCallback "renderView" ("C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/testSave" + $i) "image";

this one will save the iff images to your desktop, and called them testSave with a number after it. If u want it set to tiff then change the line to:

renderWindowSaveImageCallback "renderView" ("C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/testSave.tif" "TIFF";

Last edited by westiemad; 07-05-2006 at 12:42 PM.
# 8 07-05-2006 , 02:47 PM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 20
You lovely lovely person. Thank you so much for that bit of magic.

I'm checking out your website now. The biplane crash is beautiful; but I don't think the link to the gallery is working - at least it isn't for me...

Thanks again,


# 9 07-05-2006 , 02:49 PM
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that would be my fault, I'm a bit to lazy to trawl my HD for stuff I've done, I have a film composite to go up, a dinosaur rig and muscles to redo, and some stuff I've finally got from in short its not you user added image.

Glad the script is working ok.

# 10 07-05-2006 , 04:56 PM
happymat27's Avatar
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That's great westiemad, I'll definately use that in the future if I run across the problem again.

Top one,


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