Maya 2020 fundamentals - modelling the real world
Get halfway through a model and find it's an unworkable mess? Can't add edge loops where you need them? Can't subdivide a mesh properly? If any of this sounds familiar check this course out.
# 1 20-11-2007 , 08:48 AM
Wraithe's Avatar
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Posts: 54


Hi all, just thought I would show a model I am working on, based on the metal/plastic miniature by Games Workshop. The Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnought from the world of Warhammer 40K


The actual modelling is finshed, but as you can see from the front detailing I have been messing about with some displacement mapping, first time I have tried this, the map is just layed on the object as a whole, so I need to lay out the UV's for that. I did an extrude after the map was applied so that needs sorting as well.

I plan to model some weapon variations as well, then hopefully rig it.


Last edited by Wraithe; 14-06-2008 at 02:03 PM.
# 2 20-11-2007 , 02:04 PM
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really nice work you have a real nice talent .... GO ON

You Deserve
# 3 05-12-2007 , 12:52 AM
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Dreadnought Finished

Hey all, well I just finished my Blood Angels Dreadnought, I changed the original topic title as I ended up making all the different weapon variations, which makes them a Furioso Dreadnought, a Support Dreadnought and a heavey Support Dreadnought.

Here are a few images of the different versions.

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I created a full gallery of these models, on my website with different views and the different weapon variations. If you are interested in viewing them then click the link below

The Graffix Tablet

Although it looks like there are 3 models, all I did was modelled the weapons on different display layers, and seperated them into different groups, then all the animator has to do is select which dreadnought he wants to animate and turn on the relevant layers. When it is rigged, it will be 1 rig controlling everything. The only time I created more than one model was for the first image.

Hope you like it.


Last edited by Wraithe; 28-12-2007 at 02:38 AM.
# 4 05-12-2007 , 01:29 AM
Mayaniac's Avatar
As Zbrushiac sounds stupid!
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Wow, they look amazing.

Really nice work.

Did you use the Dreadnought tutorial at 3D Buzz??? Theres seems to be a ton of people modeling them over there.

Good job user added image

"Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!"
"Um, this isn't Mars. This is Earth."
"Earth? Earth-with-nuclear-weapons Earth?"
[long pause] "Friend!!"
# 5 05-12-2007 , 01:34 AM
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Model Miniatures

Thanks, no I didn't use the Buzz tuts, I used to play the table top battle game, and I still have all the models in my attic, so I toook photos of the model, used that as a guide but then ultimately used the miniatures for the details. I had a massive Blood Angels army and plan to model abit of each of it.


# 6 14-06-2008 , 02:07 PM
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Now for the texturing

Ok, I FINALLY found some motivation to get the UV's laid out, I actually started working on a new model but I have had a few peeps asking for me to texture my dreadnought. It's took alot of time and alot of discussion with a friend of mine and it is still on going, we are having a bit of a dispute as to how detailed I should go, as we are both texture beginners we thought I should come here and get some advice. Apologies for the sizes of the images that follow I didn't want any blurring or pixelation by due to comperssion.

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This is the main body laid out, my mate pointed out that it looked like what automatic mapping would do, but most of that was planar mapped, admittedly I could have laid them out better, he also asked why I didn't seem most of it together, for instance the 2 edges specified by the arrows, well........ if I did this, I would have a load of UV's overlapping as shown below

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Also sew everything? Given the angles that some of the edges are at, it is harder to draw the lines in photoshop and they would go off in all angels as shown below

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So I explained by laying them out the way I did, if I ever want some panelling that goes round the model all I have to do is, in Photoshop, copy what was in the green square in the first image, rotate it anticlockwise and paste it near the second edge and its a simple matter of lining it up correctly. in hind sight I could have laid them out with the shells as near as paossible to each other as follows

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Then all I would have to do is either move the UV's slightly up or down, or move that part of the texture in PS.

Another thing discussed was how much detail I could fit on any one part of the model, you can see by the following layout that parts of the model are extremely small.

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So when in PS and you zoom in it would look something like this

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Now with this I would struggle to get any serious detail in there, but as these are extremely small parts of the model during any sort of movie they wouldn't be noticed and they will only have basic texturing on them. The only way past this that I can see would be to have all these parts of the model in there own UV spaces as follows

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But then I would end up with a shed load of shaders.

When I create the snapshot I created them at 4083 x 4083 with 72dpi,

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I upped the dpi in PS from the standard 72dpi to about 300dpi,

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so now I can get that finer detail, but the file res ends up like 17013 x 17013 and file size of 829mb, lol, so I binned that idea.

So far there are 17 shaders, the main body, body detail (pipe entry points ect), the smoke launcher, the concrete slab on the front of the body, the hips, L leg, R leg, 7 weapons, all the pipes and finally all the metal (pistons and ammo pipes).

So in short, would I be best having all these little model details and extrusions in their own UV space? Ending up with possibly hundreds of shaders.

What resolution and dpi should I snapshot and should I alter it in PS?

Any comments and advice would be appreciated.


Last edited by Wraithe; 14-06-2008 at 02:14 PM.
# 7 14-06-2008 , 04:59 PM
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As Zbrushiac sounds stupid!
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I feel you have no other choice but to lay things out on separate UVs. As you said... Have the Legs on one set... The main Body (Torso) on another, and the arms on another.
It would be ideal to store all of these on a 1024 x 1024 Texture. All the weapons will have there own UV set. Possibly only 512 x 512 As they are allot smaller than the other body parts. As for all the greebles you can put them on they're own Texture.

This will result in about 5 or 6 textures for the final model. BUT everything will be in high detail and everything will have an even resolution.

Plus I don't know about you, but my computer would DIE if I tried to edit a 17,000 x 17,000 pixel image in PS... Let alone loading it into Maya....

Anyway, good luck user added image

"Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!"
"Um, this isn't Mars. This is Earth."
"Earth? Earth-with-nuclear-weapons Earth?"
[long pause] "Friend!!"
# 8 14-06-2008 , 08:57 PM
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Hi Mayaniac, I have already separated the model into 17 textures

So far there are 17 shaders, the main body, body detail (pipe entry points ect), the smoke launcher, the concrete slab on the front of the body, the hips, L leg, R leg, 7 weapons, all the pipes and finally all the metal (pistons and ammo pipes).

I was wondering just how far I should take the layouts, I mean all the detail like the pipe entry and exit rings and a few other little gubbins are already on their own layouts. But there are still parts of the model that are extrusions of the main body, and as they are small as well I was wonderin if I shouldn't put them on a separate UV layout as well.

Cheers for the input though.

512 x 512? Would that be enough to get detail? In the last image of my post the pixels look blocky and that was at 4083 x 4083.


Last edited by Wraithe; 01-07-2008 at 04:31 PM.
# 9 01-07-2008 , 04:34 PM
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Hi again, right I have my UV's sorted out, just thought I would post some initial colour renders, as this is my first serious texturing attempt I just wanted some concrits before I continue.

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# 10 01-07-2008 , 04:35 PM
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SHADERS - As the dreadnought has multiple weapon variations I have only texured the 2 powerfists you see. But overall there are 17 shading networks. A typical shading network for each part of the model is shown below.

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A blinn shader with a layered texture node. This particualr shading network is for the main body. It has a base layer of red, with the odd black bit. The second layer is a dirt layer, on the advice of the old mech tut I hunted out a metal surface image and used that. The other 3 files are the decals (Black Blood Angel Wings, the yellow vehicle number and Black Imperial Eagle). Although this is th initial colouring I'm not happy with it, I think the red is too bright, in some of the images you can't see the dirt layer properly. And I don't like the metal surfaces.

LIGHTING - I have used the same lighting as I did for the clay renders, in some images this is making the model look too bright from certain angles, but I don't think I want to alter them so I'll have to darken the textures in photoshop or mess about with the colour balance in maya.

IN SHORT - I need to darken the red base colour, mess about with the dirt layer abit more, I might use the dodge and burn tools to do this. I have to alter the metal surfaces again but I'd like some advice on this please. I also have to add some battle damage, some bullet holes, impact hits and the decals.

Any comments on the overall renders would be appreciated

# 11 06-07-2008 , 07:22 PM
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Just thoguht I would post a few more renders I did before I carry on using the same techniques on the rest of the model.

Just working on the main upper body for now. I added some pipes to the front which I totally forgot to model.
Anyway, the dirt layer was the main thing to sort out so I used the burn tool in Photshop and put some extra dirt where I thought it would settle in real life, I might have to do abit more?!?!? I also messed with the decals using the quick mask and spatter filter. Then to get the worn paint I simply cut holes in the base red layer, gave it an inner bevel and a drop shadow. Not too sure I like this though. The last thing I messed with was the bump map, not too much though, just a couple on the top and the rivets around the edges. Oh yeah and I changed my metal shader, I robbed a silver shader from High End and changed a few settings. I still have to look at that some more as it is too reflective, but seeings there is a ramp mapped to the reflectivity attrib it won't let me change it even if I break the connection, change and reconnect.

These were software rendered.

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Anyway, would love some comments/advice before I go ahead and texture the rest of the model.


# 12 13-07-2008 , 07:17 AM
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Final Renders

Hi all, just thought I would post my final renders, well.... I did have some techniques in texturing that I still need to practice, but for the most part the dreadnought is textured.

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TEXTURING - Well, it's been a long time in the making, I have to say, I hate UV mapping, but I did like painting the model though, it's not perfect but not bad for my first serious attempt at texturing.
METAL - Although the metal looks nice and clean, I'm not happy with it, it's too reflective and I'm not sure how to mess around with the ramp node to get it right. Also I might add a different metal for the gun barrels, I want them a dark black metal colour like real weapons.
SCRATCHED PAINT - Not too happy with the scratched paint. Basically I had a base grey colour, then the base red paint colour. In photoshop I cut holes in the red paint and gave it a dro shadow. I did also give it a bevel but it looked too deep even at low settings.
SPECULAR - I left out the specular mapping, when I did it, I followed the Mech tut, but my specular maps looked horrible, you could blatantly see them on the model so I removed them. Some more practice needed there I think.

Other than that I pretty much like it. Any comments crits n tips would be appreciated.

Next step.......... Rigging :attn:


Last edited by Wraithe; 13-07-2008 at 07:19 AM.
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