I'm using May2008.
I initially set up the displacement map, normal map and lighting
using a blinn material with MentalRay and Final Gather.
Everything works fine.
I then assigned a sss mat to the mesh, connected the displacement map to the SSS and that's working fine.
When I tried to connect the normalmap's bump2D to the Bump Shader slot in the
sss material attributes, I noticed the rollout did not roll out.
In otherwords there is nothing in it.
I also get this error in the messages display...
// Error: Cannot find procedure "AEmisssSimpleMayaBumpReplace".
I had to use the connection editor to connect the bump2d to the sss material.
I can't get the normal bump to show up yet though.
I've googled for a couple of days and tried everything I could think of
but I'm still fairly new to maya.
Any thoughts or ideas?
Anyone else been able to do this with maya2008?