Autodesk has shared a feature list for the next update to Maya with version 2022.1. Many of the new features concentrate on reducing the learning curve for new users, with two new starter tutorials, a new start screen, and a hub called Application Home. The release restores the Viewcube navigation widget and updates Deformers with falloff color ramps. It also updates Maya’s Bifrost, Arnold, and USD plugins.
Another feature is a new global search system, which makes it possible to search for menus, tools, commands, and scene objects by typing part of their names into a text field. The system also allows you to search for related keywords, such as hair instead of XGen, and filter results through tags. The character rig for Mayabot, which hosts the basics tutorials and combines HumanIK, MASH, and Arnold shaders, comes bundled with Maya. For details on what’s new, check out Autodesk’s new features for Maya 2022.1 update page. To learn Maya, take a look at our free course Getting Started with Maya.