Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 1 21-08-2006 , 03:35 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 32

blooming vertices

hello, not sure if anyone can help but i hope so.

if u look at the attached file u will see that when i convert to subd the area where there are more than one vertex causes a space. so i did the obvious and merged the vertices that i had accidently created. i also deleted the history by type. and cleanup. but when i then converted again the same happened even though i had merged any extras.
can anyone shed any light on this? i use the option to see how many vertices are selected to help aswell. so they definatly merged before i converted.

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# 2 21-08-2006 , 05:24 PM
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 240
might help if we could see ur file. easier to determine the problem user added image

# 3 22-08-2006 , 12:44 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 32
i have attached my maya file.

it is the jaw area. when it is subd

if u look at the number of vertices on the jaw its too many. even after merging them it does the same.

hope u can help

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# 4 24-08-2006 , 05:58 PM
Ex-Vin's Avatar
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Initially when I saw the image I thought that you simply hadn't merged the vertices, but since you mentioned that you had tried that, it got me interested.

After a failed attempt at some more vertex merging around the mouth area, I decided to simply rebuild the entire area, while systematically testing to see if the problem was gone. Doing this I managed to narrow down, what I think may have been, the origin -- half-way accross the upper lip. I deleted all of the faces that had any shared sides or vertices to the problem area and built them over again. I also did the same for the lover jaw.

Additionally, I looked over the rest of the model and noticed that on the back of the head were two more unmerged vertices, which might otherwise have caused you more trouble in the future. I took the liberty of fixing 'em.

By the way, there's an easy trick to quickly tell if there are multiple vertices where there ought to be only one. Marquee select the area that you think has the problem, and then look at the very top part of your screen, where it says: Maya.... etc. There, after the directory path of the current file, you will notice something to the affect of "polyToSubd1.vtx[###]" The part with the number in it refers to the vertex number(s). If you see this followed by three dots or if there are multiple numbers, then you have selected multiple vertices. Obviously, this cannot be the case if you think that you only selected one...

Hope that wasn't too confusing :p

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# 5 26-08-2006 , 01:46 AM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 32
thank you very much for doing this i didnt think anyone would actually fix it for me. i tried downlowding the file but it didnt work. any chance you could try again. it said it didnt recognise the file. thank you again.
much appreciated.

:p :p :p

# 6 26-08-2006 , 06:23 AM
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Sorry to hear that.

I know that Maya has some issue reading file types accross versions. I'm using Maya V6.5 and could read your file just fine, however.

I went back and re-saved the file as a Maya Binary (.MB) as well as a Maya ASCII (.MA). I hope you'll be able to read these, and if not let me know and we might try exporting it as an .OBJ file...

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# 7 01-09-2006 , 07:38 AM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 32
its still not working. i have version 6.5 so cant think why it is not working. i do apologise for being a pain in the butt. if it does not work after you convert to obj file then perhaps it is just not meant to be. lol.
thanks for your help in this.

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