Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 46 22-04-2006 , 02:52 PM
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Do yourself a favor . . . . go to a used book store and pick up a few old books on that "end time prophesy" that vary widely in age.... you will find that over and over they have said that we were in "end times". And many even predicted it to happen at a certain time, and that time that they predicted rolled on past, proving them to be the true deceivers they were.

Besides that, just because some guy ate a few mushrooms and scribbled down something that could be interpreted in many different ways, you think it is prophesy. Why is it that this bozo had to be so vague about everything, Oh yea, that's because it is only suppose to be reveiled to the "saved". Right . . . yet when someone writes a book like that, the people who believe all that nonsense are the first to repeat it in front of the "unsaved". Lots of very sound logic there for sure! :attn:

"The Sage as an Astronomer: If you still see the stars as something above you, you lack the eye of knowledge." Friedrich Nietzsche
# 47 22-04-2006 , 04:25 PM
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I’m sorry to tell you that nothing in the bible has ever become true. If you are going to pull out all the war stories,, that proves nothing to me, man has been fighting since he could pick up a rock, if you put a god, a country and a bunch of people that believe in that Idea, you will have a grate war. I mean just look at Bush? He’s trying to make the prophecy’s come true. But besides all that there is nothing in the bible that has ever come true, its men that make’s it happen from reading the bible, we are the ones that make god in our own image.

# 48 22-04-2006 , 10:17 PM
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I’m sorry to tell you that nothing in the bible has ever become true.

To me it seems like you have the same frame of mind as that guy who said "My mind is made up, don't confuse me with the facts".
For your information here is a fulfilled prophecy from the Bible. I chose this one because it gives the EXACT number of years that the "Messiah" would be "cut off" (killed) and we've just had the Easter season.
Of course if you choose not to believe it, well, that's your CHOICE. See? It all comes down to our freedom of choice. Here it is:
In a portion of the Bible that was written if I'm not mistaken around 700 years B.C. (this is from the book of Daniel chapter 9)and the parenthesis are mine.

Daniel 9:25 From the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem (this comandment was given by king Ahasuerus around 453 B.C.)to the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks and sixty and two weeks (that's 7+62=69 "weeks", which actually means 7 years not 7 days, so 69 x 7 = 483 years-- during the first 7 "weeks" (49 years) the city of Jerusalem was rebuilt. After that there was still 62 "weeks" 62x7 = 434 to go, so 434 + 49= 483): the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

Daniel 9:26 And after sixty and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off (that is 453 BC take away 483 years brings us to the year 30 A.D. which is the year when Jesus was crucified) but not for himself (yes, He was not crucified because of himself but He died for the sins of mankind)

So this is an EXACT prophecy that was fulfilled to the year, and it was given hundreds of years before it happended! of course it was written in somewhat encrypted language, calling weeks a group of seven years, but it all fits perfectly.
It reasons to assume that the other Bible prophecies that have not been fulfilled yet, will eventually happen.

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# 49 22-04-2006 , 10:38 PM
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But the example that you have just given was recorded in the bible after it happened, so i don't see how it predicts anything. Furthermore, many of the stories from the Bible, were directly taken from stories belonging to previous cultures. And lastly, the various versions of the Bible were all written by people, not by any divine being, hence the many contradictions, so I do not see what this proves at all.

# 50 22-04-2006 , 11:41 PM
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I'am sorry to say this but you seem kinda dull, (or your mind is so made up that you dont want to be confused with any facts that might contradict your beliefs) but the book of Daniel WAS WRITTEN SEVERAL HUNDREDS YEARS BEFORE CHRIST (look at my post again).

you seem to believe that the book of Daniel, which is still preserved in the Bible was just written after Christ.
But it wasn't.

Have you heard of the "Dead Sea scrolls"?
they were found in 1947, the oldest known copies of portions of the Bible discovered so far (written before Christ) and surprisingly enough those text are very much alike the text preserved in the Bible that reached our days. which shows that the Bible was copied correctly throughout the centuries.

you can easily do an internet search on it, those historians know those facts better than I do. if you still refuse to believe those findings so I guess you're not going to believe anything about ancient history. like the Egyptians, Romans etc. because historians piece things together by ancient artifacts, copies of copies of copies of handwritten scrolls etc etc.

Can I ask you a question? how do we know about Romans Laws? (which the modern western world still partly bases its judicial system)
We know because they were referred to throughout the centuries. even though I dont think there are ANY original Roman manuscripts of it. but ppl don't doubt that they were copied correctly.
But why do they attack the Bible so much when there are WAAAAAAAAY many more older and precise copies of it than ANY other known piece of ancient literature?

A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice!!
# 51 22-04-2006 , 11:57 PM
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Originally posted by 13th_resident
To me it seems like you have the same frame of mind as that guy who said "My mind is made up, don't confuse me with the facts".
For your information here is a fulfilled prophecy from the Bible. I chose this one because it gives the EXACT number of years that the "Messiah" would be "cut off" (killed) and we've just had the Easter season.
Of course if you choose not to believe it, well, that's your CHOICE. See? It all comes down to our freedom of choice. Here it is:
In a portion of the Bible that was written if I'm not mistaken around 700 years B.C. (this is from the book of Daniel chapter 9)and the parenthesis are mine.

Daniel 9:25 From the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem (this comandment was given by king Ahasuerus around 453 B.C.)to the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks and sixty and two weeks (that's 7+62=69 "weeks", which actually means 7 years not 7 days, so 69 x 7 = 483 years-- during the first 7 "weeks" (49 years) the city of Jerusalem was rebuilt. After that there was still 62 "weeks" 62x7 = 434 to go, so 434 + 49= 483): the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

Daniel 9:26 And after sixty and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off (that is 453 BC take away 483 years brings us to the year 30 A.D. which is the year when Jesus was crucified) but not for himself (yes, He was not crucified because of himself but He died for the sins of mankind)

So this is an EXACT prophecy that was fulfilled to the year, and it was given hundreds of years before it happended! of course it was written in somewhat encrypted language, calling weeks a group of seven years, but it all fits perfectly.
It reasons to assume that the other Bible prophecies that have not been fulfilled yet, will eventually happen.

Unfortunately quoting passages from the bible about prophecies to none believer’s is like opening up the book of Zeus, just change Hercules to Jesus add a few disciples and there you go,, now you don’t believe? Even when the first commitment said, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have (no Other Gods before me).

Now the Words say (No Other), not (There are) no other, so that implies that there are other god besides Yahweh.

You see it’s a bout your faith or your belief in something that keeps you going back to it, you believe that the scriptures are true be cause they were written by people named Mark Luke and John, when in reality no one knows who wrote the bible. It’s just your faith and what you been told by your parents and their parents and their grand parents. Before any one responds to this statement. Please read these links.

Just like every thing else in the world, always question what you read or what you hear?


I’m surprised this thread is going as well as it is, with out people losing it. Good job People

# 52 23-04-2006 , 12:00 AM
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I am sorry - you are quite right - I did misread your post. However, I don't see why that justifies resorting to insults. Further, I still don't see what evidence you have provided. Big deal, one person writes down that someone is going to get nailed to a cross. So what. Plenty of people were nailed to a cross.

And to say that all copies of the bible are in perfect agreement is just false:

They are still just books written by people. :zzz:

# 53 23-04-2006 , 01:08 AM
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Hey- what matters is what you believe in.

For me, it makes me feel really good to know that there is a God watching over and taking care for me and other Christians.

The world is such a bad place- mass murders, chemical/nuclear weapons, wars, terrorism, etc...

And sometimes, you just look around, and you think "Wow, all this bad in the world, everything is hopeless, your life and everybody else's life is just a letter in the universe's book of existance, which began about 15 billion years ago and will end who knows when..."

Depressing, eh?

So, I guess, if Faith helps you get through life, going through every miserable day- take a guy in my Algebra class for instance (i dont say any names)

his mom died in a car crash, and his dad could'nt give a crap about him.

The ONLY thing keeping him from slitting his wrists or doing cocain, or whatever, is this figure of Faith, this supreme being that 99.999% of America believed in when they established this country, but I doubt even 15% believes in it now, this God that us Christians pray to.

It feels good, for me, and I bet for the guy I talked about too, to know, that, after your tiny letter in the universe's book is over, you can spend an eternity in Paradise with our Lord Jesus Christ.

So- I'm not gonna end by quoting a Bible verse, because, as you said, that would be like reading from the book of Zeus to nonbelievers- I'm just gonna leave you with what I said.

think about that-

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# 54 23-04-2006 , 01:28 AM
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Originally posted by MattTheMan
For me, it makes me feel really good to know that there is a God watching over and taking care for me and other Christians.

So you are happy to believe in a god that is only concerned with saving christians?user added image

# 55 23-04-2006 , 01:54 AM
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well, my belief says that He watches over all of His creations, from the tiniest insect to the most powerful of men.

but, yeah, I'd be happy that way too LOL just kidding user added image

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# 56 23-04-2006 , 01:57 AM
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Originally posted by MattTheMan
but, yeah, I'd be happy that way too LOL just kidding user added image

Ha ha!user added image

# 57 23-04-2006 , 02:37 AM
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Originally posted by MattTheMan
Hey- what matters is what you believe in.

For me, it makes me feel really good to know that there is a God watching over and taking care for me and other Christians.

The world is such a bad place- mass murders, chemical/nuclear weapons, wars, terrorism, etc...

And sometimes, you just look around, and you think "Wow, all this bad in the world, everything is hopeless, your life and everybody else's life is just a letter in the universe's book of existance, which began about 15 billion years ago and will end who knows when..."

Depressing, eh?

So, I guess, if Faith helps you get through life, going through every miserable day- take a guy in my Algebra class for instance (i dont say any names)

his mom died in a car crash, and his dad could'nt give a crap about him.

The ONLY thing keeping him from slitting his wrists or doing cocain, or whatever, is this figure of Faith, this supreme being that 99.999% of America believed in when they established this country, but I doubt even 15% believes in it now, this God that us Christians pray to.

It feels good, for me, and I bet for the guy I talked about too, to know, that, after your tiny letter in the universe's book is over, you can spend an eternity in Paradise with our Lord Jesus Christ.

So- I'm not gonna end by quoting a Bible verse, because, as you said, that would be like reading from the book of Zeus to nonbelievers- I'm just gonna leave you with what I said.

think about that-

I agree that we are living in a graceless age. If people need a type of guidance in their life’s that makes them a better person and keep them self’s from harm, thats ok. But just what if that your friend found out that it was all himself that kept him from throwing his life a way from that kind of depression? Think of how empowering that could be. But those who have strong dogmatic beliefs are the ones that have me concerned, they could be the nicest or the most dangerous people you could ever meet. Till this day we still have people saying an eye for an eye or turn the other cheeks. When people pick and choose a verse to read from you can tell what kind of person they are. But if you all about feeling good about having a God then it’s all good my man.user added image

Last edited by R-Tillery; 23-04-2006 at 02:39 AM.
# 58 23-04-2006 , 09:07 AM
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Originally posted by arran
So you are happy to believe in a god that is only concerned with saving christians?user added image

All one would have to do is believe in Jesus Christ, like the man who died beside Jesus on the cross. Jesus told him that "today you will be with me in paradise". He wasn't a Christian or a follower of Jesus was he?

I say there is a God u say the opposite,
if I'm wrong, I will have lived a sometimes difficult, yet rewarding and fulfilling life of expectation, hope and joy. I will not have missed out on anything meaningful. If I'm right, I get to spend eternity in paradise.

But what if you're wrong? What kind of a world would you have built? How much real happiness will you have experienced? And when your life is over, what will you have missed? -By Joseph Farah

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Last edited by Tiago2; 23-04-2006 at 09:13 AM.
# 59 23-04-2006 , 05:29 PM
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I would like to ask a question if I might?

What If? I had lived in a part of the world where I have never heard of Christ or god or the holy trinity. Would I go to heaven or hell?

# 60 23-04-2006 , 05:35 PM
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no clue- im not a priest or preacheruser added image

Live the life you love, love the life you live
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