Hey Chirone.Travis, what is that board thing that's angled and hanging down from the wall in the corner?
Stwert, nah Creck's right, you can upload more than one image per post now
LMAO...I'm 6 3'. And I sit high up. It's an 8 foot ceiling, so yeah, I ride my table a little high.Ah, I see, I thought maybe it was some sort of tv with a thing in front of it where you flip it up and cover the tv and reveal a whiteboard or something.
It looks really high up. Are you a super tall fellow or you'll sit on a really high chair or the room really short?
Thanks man. Will check on the image thingLooks good, really looking forward to the rest.
Tip: Next time you can use "manage attachments" below the Submit Reply button to upload your images instead of imageshack (less work).
NOt bloody bad for a noob mate!!! nicely done thus far. The only thing I see sticking out...the nuts that attach the light to the clamp...I could be wrong but they look too square and not octagonal enough...but I dont know what they look like...just my experience with nuts and bolts in the general sense. Keep it up mate....looking good
cheers bullet