I bought the apache tutorial a while a go, but only recently started working on it. I'm currently on part 2 of the modeling.
At about 3 minutes into the video the instructor starts doing a poly split along the top part of the apache. Now when I try the same thing it always fails with the following error:
/ Warning: Can't perform polySplit1 on selection //
polySplit -ch on -s 1 -sma 0 -ep 376 0.5 -ep 375 0.5 -ep 345 0.5 -ep 524 0.5 -ep 209 0.726009 -ep 210 0.5 -ep 211 0.5 -ep 212 0.5 pCylinderShape1 ;
So I tried using the polysplit on each individual polygon and I get almost half way around before I get a similar error:
// Warning: Can't perform polySplit3 on selection //
polySplit -ch on -s 1 -sma 0 -ep 581 1 -ep 10 0.5 pCylinderShape1 ;
// Result: polySplit3 //
This is about where it stops:

Does anybody have any ideas/suggestions?