Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 09-02-2010 , 05:12 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 3

Apache Tutorial - Part2: Split Polygon tool problem


I bought the apache tutorial a while a go, but only recently started working on it. I'm currently on part 2 of the modeling.

At about 3 minutes into the video the instructor starts doing a poly split along the top part of the apache. Now when I try the same thing it always fails with the following error:

/ Warning: Can't perform polySplit1 on selection //
polySplit -ch on -s 1 -sma 0 -ep 376 0.5 -ep 375 0.5 -ep 345 0.5 -ep 524 0.5 -ep 209 0.726009 -ep 210 0.5 -ep 211 0.5 -ep 212 0.5 pCylinderShape1 ;

So I tried using the polysplit on each individual polygon and I get almost half way around before I get a similar error:

// Warning: Can't perform polySplit3 on selection //
polySplit -ch on -s 1 -sma 0 -ep 581 1 -ep 10 0.5 pCylinderShape1 ;
// Result: polySplit3 //

This is about where it stops:

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Does anybody have any ideas/suggestions?

Last edited by fodder937; 09-02-2010 at 05:14 AM.
# 2 09-02-2010 , 05:49 PM
G-Man's Avatar
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you have some verts that arnt merged correctly, that are causing what appears to be a solid edge, to in actuality be two edges on top of each other.
That woudl be my guess..
Go into vert mode, select all the verts, and use a merge vertex function with the tolerance down low like .001 or something


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# 3 10-02-2010 , 02:16 PM
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Originally posted by legendofzombi
you have some verts that arnt merged correctly, that are causing what appears to be a solid edge, to in actuality be two edges on top of each other.
That woudl be my guess..
Go into vert mode, select all the verts, and use a merge vertex function with the tolerance down low like .001 or something


Well it looks as though you are right about the extra edge, however I am unable to delete the extra edge. I went into verts and merged any verts above and below the edge. But when I drag select the edge it still shows as 2 edges. if I click on the edge - it shows 1 edge, if I drag select the edge it shows two. I've tried moving the one single edge, but it apears to move both - even though it says only one is selected. I tried merging the two edges, but that doesn't do anything either. It won't even let me delete the edge in question - how can I get rid of this extra edge?

# 4 10-02-2010 , 06:57 PM
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Try deleting the poly on either side of that edge, then using the append to poly tool to put it back in. Quick easy fix for the issue that doesn't involve 2 or 3 hours of trying to figure out where you went astray.
Save those searches until you have the basics of Modeling well in hand user added image


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# 5 11-02-2010 , 01:59 PM
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Originally posted by legendofzombi
Try deleting the poly on either side of that edge, then using the append to poly tool to put it back in. Quick easy fix for the issue that doesn't involve 2 or 3 hours of trying to figure out where you went astray.
Save those searches until you have the basics of Modeling well in hand user added image


Excellent idea! That seems to have done the job. Thanks!

# 6 11-02-2010 , 07:49 PM
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Any time

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