I've been looking around for how to use Maya fluids to create a ring of fire around my character. It's part of a scene where he stomps on the ground and then a ring of blue fire surrounds him. I've been able to use tutorials to get to know a bit of Maya fluids, and I have seen videos showing that it is possible to do a ring of fire thing using Maya fluids but I generally need help with getting the "ring" shape of the fire. One of my ideas was to use a round invisible plate of sorts to "direct" the flame around, but I have no idea how to make the fire collide with the plate.
So does anyone have a rough idea on how to go around doing this? Any tutorial that I possibly missed? Or is it just better to use particles (which I also am clueless in) to achieve this? Thanks.

Update: With some help from David, I managed to more or less make the fire achieve a circle-ish look, but I need the center of the ring to be empty.
This is the current state of progress I've made (it is blue fire when rendered), I just need to confine the fire more thoroughly to the circumference, because now its still occupying the center.