I am currently working on the Tutorial "Creating a Pegasus in Maya with XGen" (https://www.digitaltutors.com/tutoria...aya#play-39614)
from Digital Tutors and I ran into an issue...
I am working with the Student Version of Maya 2015 SP5 on a Mac Book Pro OS X Version 10.9.5.
When I create fur and want to adjust it with the brushes under the "Grooming" tab, i run into the following issue:
(see attached picture)
I can't open the option box for the length and width brushes. I can see the window and the small arrow to open it, but apparently it's nothing in there...
I can't continue working on my project without adjusting the length of the fur of my character... would be great if someone could help me.
I'm not sure if it's a bug in Maya or on my Mac or if I just missed a setting.
thanks in advance!