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Search: Posts Made By: 3dStudent
Posted By 3dStudent On 03-02-2015 | Views: 239,536 Replies: 140
No Ngons here.

This is from a very entry level tute explaining poly,nurbs,subd..
Posted By 3dStudent On 03-02-2015 | Views: 239,536 Replies: 140
Well that's not the answer I wanted to hear.. but thx.

Guessing the above reasons are why I was steered away from Subd?

It's just I saw someone (in a vid.. somewhere) using hierarchal editing...
Posted By 3dStudent On 02-02-2015 | Views: 239,536 Replies: 140
Was searching for tutorials on Subdivision Surface modelling, after getting excited by a YouTube clip on Pixars OpenSubDiv project.

I never liked Patch modelling- nurbs in general.

I was told...
Posted By 3dStudent On 31-12-2014 | Views: 6,436 Replies: 2
Forum: Maya Modeling
Yesterday I encountered this problem.. and don't remember it being an issue before?

I modelled an ornate table, made a leg and tried to 'duplicate special' it to make the other legs... only they...
Posted By 3dStudent On 19-04-2014 | Views: 1,968 Replies: 0
Been enjoying my return to Maya.. however there have been small hurdles I have been going around, as I cant seem to work them out.. hoping you can help me.

Now running 2014.

1) I cant seem to...
Posted By 3dStudent On 10-04-2014 | Views: 2,846 Replies: 5
Would you be willing to post the .ma or .mb file?

Or even a different angle/wireframe shaded.
Posted By 3dStudent On 06-04-2014 | Views: 3,718 Replies: 1
Rotating each joint manually is indeed a bothersome process..

In Forward kinematics you control the hips and leg joint and knee joint and ankle joint to get a foot where you want it.
In Inverse...
Posted By 3dStudent On 03-04-2014 | Views: 10,986 Replies: 5
The way it was explained to me. was simply 'Every time your view of your scene/viewport changes in anyway, Maya has to redraw your objects on screen. It does this by taking an (.obj plotted data...
Posted By 3dStudent On 30-03-2014 | Views: 3,518 Replies: 6
Forum: Animation
Thank you for your input.

Guess nuke it is. I have been using Playblast to view my sequences and also plain old Fcheck to compile my image sequences... Just realised I'm wanting to start dipping...
Posted By 3dStudent On 29-03-2014 | Views: 3,518 Replies: 6
Forum: Animation
The last time I made an animation it was in Adobe Premiere...

I did look into AE a few years back but my 'return' to both 3d and Animation was short lived.

I am now resurrecting a project that...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 73