Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 16 09-05-2004 , 05:01 AM
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I have been working on my head a little more recently. I still am having problems with the eyes. I tried cutting the vertices away and rebuilding them, and that did not work too well since I could not even smooth the vertices after I did it. I was able to work on the jaw bone a little, and I will include the image of the model before and after so you all can see the difference. Here is the BEFORE image.

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~CGPMaya84 (also DragonTU84 from SimplyPhotoshop and CPAnimate84 from SimplyMax)
# 17 09-05-2004 , 05:02 AM
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The "AFTER" image, without the hair again, in its current state after editting the jaw bones.

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~CGPMaya84 (also DragonTU84 from SimplyPhotoshop and CPAnimate84 from SimplyMax)
# 18 09-05-2004 , 05:04 AM
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Here is just a wire-frame of the entire head for everyone to see. There SURE is a lot of vertices on this model!

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~CGPMaya84 (also DragonTU84 from SimplyPhotoshop and CPAnimate84 from SimplyMax)
# 19 09-05-2004 , 05:16 AM
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And a render of the wire frame of the front.

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~CGPMaya84 (also DragonTU84 from SimplyPhotoshop and CPAnimate84 from SimplyMax)
# 20 12-05-2004 , 02:21 AM
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Almost complete...

Well, here is the updated model of my head so far. I am finally getting closer to completing this!! user added image I started on the texturing of the model. I still need to create the eyebrows, finish the eyelashes, and texture the eyes. I just put in a sky background so that you can see the hair texture more was kind of hard to see it against the black background. I hope you all enjoy! user added image I tell you though, texturing that face took FOREVER!!!! user added image Glad that part is done though! user added image

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~CGPMaya84 (also DragonTU84 from SimplyPhotoshop and CPAnimate84 from SimplyMax)

Last edited by CGPMaya84; 12-05-2004 at 02:40 AM.
# 21 12-05-2004 , 02:46 AM
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Here is the side view of the textured head, giving you a better view of the hair.

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~CGPMaya84 (also DragonTU84 from SimplyPhotoshop and CPAnimate84 from SimplyMax)
# 22 12-05-2004 , 03:00 AM
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Comming along.. I posted a picture which i edited a bit more in photoshop..

Hopefully you can see what i changed.. i smoothed out the skin a bit more... Thats the main thing that needs a bit of work on your model.. Just look at the picture and try and smooth out the model and make it as close as you can.

It will help you model a lot....

Keep it up....


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I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)
# 23 12-05-2004 , 03:10 AM
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Thanks for the compliments and advice Kurt!! I hope I can get those darn wrinkles around the eyes done in time...this project is due tomorrow at 2!!! user added image I still have to study for 2 tests also...I will be up all night, that's for sure! I plan on at least getting the eyebrows and eyelashes done, and of course texture the eyes. I will see what I can do though as far as the face goes...

~CGPMaya84 (also DragonTU84 from SimplyPhotoshop and CPAnimate84 from SimplyMax)
# 24 13-05-2004 , 08:19 AM
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Update again!

Here is the most recent update on my self-portrait head model. I had to make a few minor adjustments to the shape of the head, such as slightly elongating the chin, and I was FINALLY able to figure out a way to smooth the eyes!!! user added image It was all thanks to an idea on fixing the problem that my teacher for my Computer 3D Modeling course suggested (but he did not know if it would work or not). I textured the eyes, and I also tried to make the skin as realistic looking as possible. I am not too happy with the texture on the eyebrows though...any suggestions anyone? I am pretty satisfied with this model so far though, since this is only my third model to be actually completed to date, and my first human head model! Let me know what you all think about it though, since even though this will probably be the version I will turn in for my class, I can still work on it in my free time! user added image

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~CGPMaya84 (also DragonTU84 from SimplyPhotoshop and CPAnimate84 from SimplyMax)
# 25 14-05-2004 , 11:18 PM
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I didn't know if it was just me...but my face looked a little too "shiny," making it look too much on the greasy side. user added image Anyway, I editted the face texture a little more and also by trying to make it "less shiny," and I tried playing with the reflection effects on the eyes. I also lowered the eyebrows a little, since I thought they were WAY too high up on the forehead for my type of eyebrows. I am still open to any comments, ideas, suggestions, etc.! user added image

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~CGPMaya84 (also DragonTU84 from SimplyPhotoshop and CPAnimate84 from SimplyMax)
# 26 15-05-2004 , 12:36 AM
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Sorry, forgot to include this one. This is the side-view of the recent textured head model.

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~CGPMaya84 (also DragonTU84 from SimplyPhotoshop and CPAnimate84 from SimplyMax)
# 27 15-05-2004 , 12:43 AM
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And here is the VERY complex wireframe of the entire model. Hope you all enjoy! :p

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~CGPMaya84 (also DragonTU84 from SimplyPhotoshop and CPAnimate84 from SimplyMax)
# 28 15-05-2004 , 01:00 AM
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Cool. But I think that it looks to angualar. Eg. The neck has too sharp and edge on it. Other than that great job.

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# 29 15-05-2004 , 02:36 AM
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Thanks for the compliment Peltra! user added image Do you mean that the very bottom edge of the neck is too sharp? If so, well this will eventually be attatched to a body anyway...I hope to post the concept drawing up sometime soon of the character I plan on doing (which is very Final Fantasy inspired). Maybe I will try not making the neck look so sharp/defined though just for the plain head model. user added image I will continue to update it as this model progresses.

~CGPMaya84 (also DragonTU84 from SimplyPhotoshop and CPAnimate84 from SimplyMax)
# 30 15-05-2004 , 03:19 AM
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No I mean that the front of the neck where the adams apple would be is too sharp. And also I spotted the lips look to puckered up.

Keep up the good work.

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