Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 09-05-2013 , 04:18 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 18

Mental Ray crashing scene?


I have modeled and set up a kitchen scene that I am ready to render.

Maya 2013 renders the kitchen with the Maya Software, but when I render with Mental Ray, the software crashes completely.

I kept getting, "Fatal Error: Attempting to save in"...

I tried eliminating what could be causing it..

1. I tried to delete any maya shaders that were unused.

2. I tried only using architectural materials such as "MiaMaterialX".

3. I tried resetting all my cameras

4. I deleted the preference folder

5. I tried eliminating any lights or objects that may be crashing the scene

6. I tried exporting and importing the scene into a new document.

7. I have the right amount of space and memory for Maya to operate (over 450gb free on hard drive, 8GB of Ram, an Intel Core i7 processor, Windows 7)

But none of these solutions seem to be working.

//================================================== ===
Maya Crash Report
//================================================== ===

Exception code: C0000005: ACCESS_VIOLATION - illegal read at address 0x00000004
Fault address: EA5C5F03 in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\PolyEngine.dll
0001:00024F03 Logical offset (see .map file for location)

Call stack:
(0) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00024F03 0xEA5C5F03 0x010D3C60
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\PolyEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TvertexEdgeIterator::reset + 0x23 bytes
Decl: public: void TvertexEdgeIterator::reset(unsigned int)
(1) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00024ECA 0xEA5C5ECA 0x010D3C90
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\PolyEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TvertexEdgeIterator::TvertexEdgeIterator + 0x1A bytes
Decl: public: TvertexEdgeIterator::TvertexEdgeIterator(class TpolyGeom const & ptr64)
(2) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000194B3 0xEA5BA4B3 0x010D3D20
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\PolyEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TpolyCCEvaluator::computeVertexUVs + 0xDD3 bytes
Decl: private: void TpolyCCEvaluator::computeVertexUVs(unsigned int,class T2FloatArrayPtrArray const & ptr64,class T2FloatArrayPtrArray & ptr64,class TbooleanArrayPtrArray & ptr64)
(3) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00018838 0xEA5B9838 0x010D4190
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\PolyEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TpolyCCEvaluator::computeVertexUVs + 0x158 bytes
Decl: private: void TpolyCCEvaluator::computeVertexUVs(unsigned int,class T2FloatArrayPtrArray const & ptr64,class T2FloatArrayPtrArray & ptr64,class TbooleanArrayPtrArray & ptr64)
(4) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00016C2F 0xEA5B7C2F 0x010D42A0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\PolyEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TpolyCCEvaluator::evaluateHierarchy + 0x3AF bytes
Decl: public: virtual void TpolyCCEvaluator::evaluateHierarchy(unsigned int)
(5) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0000A69A 0xEA5AB69A 0x010D4300
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\PolyEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TpolyCatmullClarkSubdivider::evaluateHierarchy + 0x9A bytes
Decl: public: virtual void TpolyCatmullClarkSubdivider::evaluateHierarchy(uns igned int,class TbitFieldFixedN * ptr64)
(6) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00056DB7 0xEA5F7DB7 0x010D4360
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\PolyEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TpolyGeom::createHierarchy + 0xE7 bytes
Decl: public: void TpolyGeom::createHierarchy(unsigned int,class TpolySmoothGeomOptions const & ptr64)
(7) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0009B3AC 0xEC32C3AC 0x010D4430
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\Poly.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmeshShape::computeCachedSmoothMesh + 0x3AC bytes
Decl: protected: void TmeshShape::computeCachedSmoothMesh(class TdataBlock & ptr64,class Tdata & ptr64,class Tdata & ptr64)
(8) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0008DE3A 0xEC31EE3A 0x010D46E0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\Poly.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmeshShape::computeObject + 0xDA bytes
Decl: protected: void TmeshShape::computeObject(class Tplug const & ptr64,class TdataBlock & ptr64)
(9) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000C0624 0xED411624 0x010D47E0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdependNode::dbEvaluate + 0x1E4 bytes
Decl: protected: virtual bool TdependNode::dbEvaluate(class TmsgEval & ptr64)
(10) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0013081B 0xEC8D181B 0x010D4810
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdagObject::dbEvaluate + 0x1B bytes
Decl: public: virtual bool TdagObject::dbEvaluate(class TmsgEval & ptr64)
(11) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000C2612 0xED413612 0x010D4870
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdependNode::mpSafeDbEvaluateWithSet + 0x52 bytes
Decl: protected: bool TdependNode::mpSafeDbEvaluateWithSet(class TmsgEval & ptr64)
(12) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000300CD 0xED3810CD 0x010D4900
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: Tplug::processEval + 0x9D bytes
Decl: private: bool Tplug::processEval(class TdgContext const & ptr64,class TdataHandle * ptr64)
(13) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0003DAA0 0xED38EAA0 0x010D49E0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: Tplug::evaluateValue + 0x350 bytes
Decl: public: bool Tplug::evaluateValue(class TdataHandle & ptr64,class TdataBlock const & ptr64,bool)
(14) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00052773 0xED3A3773 0x010D4B20
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdataBlockDG::value + 0x113 bytes
Decl: public: virtual class TdataHandle TdataBlockDG::value(class Tattribute const & ptr64)
(15) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0009AC20 0xEC32BC20 0x010D4C20
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\Poly.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmeshShape::computeSmoothMesh + 0xA0 bytes
Decl: protected: void TmeshShape::computeSmoothMesh(class TdataBlock & ptr64,class Tdata & ptr64,class Tdata & ptr64)
(16) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0008DE00 0xEC31EE00 0x010D4ED0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\Poly.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmeshShape::computeObject + 0xA0 bytes
Decl: protected: void TmeshShape::computeObject(class Tplug const & ptr64,class TdataBlock & ptr64)
(17) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000C0624 0xED411624 0x010D4FD0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdependNode::dbEvaluate + 0x1E4 bytes
Decl: protected: virtual bool TdependNode::dbEvaluate(class TmsgEval & ptr64)
(18) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0013081B 0xEC8D181B 0x010D5000
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdagObject::dbEvaluate + 0x1B bytes
Decl: public: virtual bool TdagObject::dbEvaluate(class TmsgEval & ptr64)
(19) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000C2612 0xED413612 0x010D5060
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdependNode::mpSafeDbEvaluateWithSet + 0x52 bytes
Decl: protected: bool TdependNode::mpSafeDbEvaluateWithSet(class TmsgEval & ptr64)
(20) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000300CD 0xED3810CD 0x010D50F0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: Tplug::processEval + 0x9D bytes
Decl: private: bool Tplug::processEval(class TdgContext const & ptr64,class TdataHandle * ptr64)
(21) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0003DAA0 0xED38EAA0 0x010D51D0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: Tplug::evaluateValue + 0x350 bytes
Decl: public: bool Tplug::evaluateValue(class TdataHandle & ptr64,class TdataBlock const & ptr64,bool)
(22) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00052773 0xED3A3773 0x010D5310
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdataBlockDG::value + 0x113 bytes
Decl: public: virtual class TdataHandle TdataBlockDG::value(class Tattribute const & ptr64)
(23) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0009A5C0 0xEC32B5C0 0x010D5360
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\Poly.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmeshShape::smoothMeshDataRef + 0x30 bytes
Decl: public: class Tdata & ptr64 TmeshShape::smoothMeshDataRef(class TdgContext & ptr64)
(24) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00194D29 0xE24C5D29 0x010D55C0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\OpenMaya.dll (-exported-)
Location: MFnMesh::generateSmoothMesh + 0x79 bytes
Decl: public: class MObject MFnMesh::generateSmoothMesh(class MObject,class MMeshSmoothOptions * ptr64,class MStatus * ptr64)
(25) section:offset Address Frame
0001:001787C8 0xE09997C8 0x010D5730
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\mentalray\plug-ins\Mayatomr.mll (-exported-)
Location: initializePlugin + 0x9D4C8 bytes
Decl: initializePlugin
(26) section:offset Address Frame
0001:001C8EA2 0xE09E9EA2 0x010D5A00
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\mentalray\plug-ins\Mayatomr.mll (-exported-)
Location: initializePlugin + 0xEDBA2 bytes
Decl: initializePlugin
(27) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00078AED 0xE0899AED 0x010D5C10
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\mentalray\plug-ins\Mayatomr.mll (-exported-)
(28) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00128211 0xE0949211 0x010D5C70
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\mentalray\plug-ins\Mayatomr.mll (-exported-)
Location: initializePlugin + 0x4CF11 bytes
Decl: initializePlugin
(29) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0016F325 0xE0990325 0x010D5D40
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\mentalray\plug-ins\Mayatomr.mll (-exported-)
Location: initializePlugin + 0x94025 bytes
Decl: initializePlugin
(30) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0017119B 0xE099219B 0x010D5E50
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\mentalray\plug-ins\Mayatomr.mll (-exported-)
Location: initializePlugin + 0x95E9B bytes
Decl: initializePlugin
(31) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0015952E 0xE097A52E 0x010D5FD0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\mentalray\plug-ins\Mayatomr.mll (-exported-)
Location: initializePlugin + 0x7E22E bytes
Decl: initializePlugin
(32) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0015B785 0xE097C785 0x010D60F0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\mentalray\plug-ins\Mayatomr.mll (-exported-)
Location: initializePlugin + 0x80485 bytes
Decl: initializePlugin
(33) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00151DB2 0xE0972DB2 0x010D6180
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\mentalray\plug-ins\Mayatomr.mll (-exported-)
Location: initializePlugin + 0x76AB2 bytes
Decl: initializePlugin
(34) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000E0184 0xE0901184 0x010D6250
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\mentalray\plug-ins\Mayatomr.mll (-exported-)
Location: initializePlugin + 0x4E84 bytes
Decl: initializePlugin
(35) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000E475F 0xE090575F 0x010D6D60
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\mentalray\plug-ins\Mayatomr.mll (-exported-)
Location: initializePlugin + 0x945F bytes
Decl: initializePlugin
(36) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000E05A9 0xE09015A9 0x010D6E40
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\mentalray\plug-ins\Mayatomr.mll (-exported-)
Location: initializePlugin + 0x52A9 bytes
Decl: initializePlugin
(37) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00029780 0xE235A780 0x010D6E90
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\OpenMaya.dll (-exported-)
Location: THcommandObject::doIt + 0xA0 bytes
Decl: public: virtual int THcommandObject::doIt(class TargList & ptr64)
(38) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000129B1 0xF13D39B1 0x010D6F00
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmetaCommand::doCommand + 0x71 bytes
Decl: public: virtual bool TmetaCommand::doCommand(class TargList & ptr64)
(39) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000134E4 0xF13D44E4 0x010D6FE0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmetaCommand::newSyntax + 0x774 bytes
Decl: private: virtual class Tsyntax * ptr64 TmetaCommand::newSyntax(void)
(40) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00058D6B 0xF1419D6B 0x010D7440
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0xB8B bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(41) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010D7490
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(42) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000383D4 0xF13F93D4 0x010D74E0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xC354 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(43) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00056560 0xF1417560 0x010D7510
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: SophiaExecutable::evaluate + 0x60 bytes
Decl: public: union Value * ptr64 SophiaExecutable::evaluate(void * ptr64)
(44) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0001A67C 0xF13DB67C 0x010D7550
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TcommandEngine::executeCommand + 0x4C bytes
Decl: public: int TcommandEngine::executeCommand(class SophiaExecutable * ptr64,void * ptr64)
(45) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00022E56 0xECF53E56 0x010D7580
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\ExtensionLayer.dll (-exported-)
Location: TrepeatCommandManager::executeCommand + 0x1876 bytes
Decl: public: bool TrepeatCommandManager::executeCommand(short,bool)
(46) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000134E4 0xF13D44E4 0x010D7660
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmetaCommand::newSyntax + 0x774 bytes
Decl: private: virtual class Tsyntax * ptr64 TmetaCommand::newSyntax(void)
(47) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00038C54 0xF13F9C54 0x010D7730
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xCBD4 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(48) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010D7780
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(49) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00058BF1 0xF1419BF1 0x010D77B0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0xA11 bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(50) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0005832A 0xF141932A 0x010D7800
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0x14A bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(51) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010D7850
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(52) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00059E3E 0xF141AE3E 0x010D7880
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0x1C5E bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(53) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000598DA 0xF141A8DA 0x010D79E0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0x16FA bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(54) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010D7A30
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(55) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000591CA 0xF141A1CA 0x010D80D0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0xFEA bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(56) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00038C54 0xF13F9C54 0x010D81A0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xCBD4 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(57) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010D81F0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(58) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000591CA 0xF141A1CA 0x010D87C0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0xFEA bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(59) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000597B1 0xF141A7B1 0x010D87F0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0x15D1 bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(60) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010D8840
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(61) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000591CA 0xF141A1CA 0x010D8D30
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0xFEA bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(62) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010D8D80
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(63) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000383D4 0xF13F93D4 0x010D8DD0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xC354 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(64) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00056560 0xF1417560 0x010D8E00
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: SophiaExecutable::evaluate + 0x60 bytes
Decl: public: union Value * ptr64 SophiaExecutable::evaluate(void * ptr64)
(65) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0001A67C 0xF13DB67C 0x010D8E40
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TcommandEngine::executeCommand + 0x4C bytes
Decl: public: int TcommandEngine::executeCommand(class SophiaExecutable * ptr64,void * ptr64)
(66) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00022E56 0xECF53E56 0x010D8E70
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\ExtensionLayer.dll (-exported-)
Location: TrepeatCommandManager::executeCommand + 0x1876 bytes
Decl: public: bool TrepeatCommandManager::executeCommand(short,bool)
(67) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000134E4 0xF13D44E4 0x010D8F50
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmetaCommand::newSyntax + 0x774 bytes
Decl: private: virtual class Tsyntax * ptr64 TmetaCommand::newSyntax(void)
(68) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00038C54 0xF13F9C54 0x010D9020
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xCBD4 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(69) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010D9070
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(70) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00058BF1 0xF1419BF1 0x010D90A0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0xA11 bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(71) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00038C54 0xF13F9C54 0x010D9170
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xCBD4 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(72) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010D91C0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(73) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010D9210
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(74) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000591CA 0xF141A1CA 0x010D9810
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0xFEA bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(75) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00038C54 0xF13F9C54 0x010D98E0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xCBD4 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(76) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010D9930
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(77) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000582F3 0xF14192F3 0x010D9980
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0x113 bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(78) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010D99D0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(79) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000582F3 0xF14192F3 0x010D9A20
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0x113 bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(80) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010D9A70
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(81) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00058684 0xF1419684 0x010D9BD0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0x4A4 bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(82) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010D9C20
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(83) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000591CA 0xF141A1CA 0x010DA320
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0xFEA bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(84) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00038C54 0xF13F9C54 0x010DA3F0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xCBD4 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(85) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010DA440
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(86) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010DA490
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(87) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010DA4E0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(88) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010DA530
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(89) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010DA580
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(90) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000591CA 0xF141A1CA 0x010DAC10
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0xFEA bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(91) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010DAC60
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(92) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000591CA 0xF141A1CA 0x010DB0F0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr + 0xFEA bytes
Decl: setMelGlobalStackLevelPtr
(93) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002C130 0xF13ED130 0x010DB140
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xB0 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(94) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000383D4 0xF13F93D4 0x010DB190
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure' + 0xC354 bytes
Decl: public: void TmelVariableList::`default constructor closure'(void)
(95) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00056560 0xF1417560 0x010DB1C0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: SophiaExecutable::evaluate + 0x60 bytes
Decl: public: union Value * ptr64 SophiaExecutable::evaluate(void * ptr64)
(96) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0001B857 0xF13DC857 0x010DB320
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\CommandEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TcommandEngine::executeCommand + 0x3B7 bytes
Decl: public: int TcommandEngine::executeCommand(class Tstring const & ptr64,bool,bool,class TmelCmdResult * ptr64,unsigned int)
(97) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000C2057 0xECFF3057 0x010DB3B0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\ExtensionLayer.dll (-exported-)
Location: TscriptAction::execute + 0xA7 bytes
Decl: private: bool TscriptAction::execute(class Tevent const & ptr64,class TinterpreterResult * ptr64 * ptr64)
(98) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0012CFD5 0xED05DFD5 0x010DB450
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\ExtensionLayer.dll (-exported-)
Location: QmayaQtHelper::executeCommandScript + 0xB5 bytes
Decl: public: static bool QmayaQtHelper::executeCommandScript(char const * ptr64,class QObject * ptr64)
(99) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0017831D 0xED0A931D 0x010DB590
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\ExtensionLayer.dll (-exported-)
Location: QmayaIconTextButton::mouseReleaseEvent + 0x23D bytes
Decl: protected: virtual void QmayaIconTextButton::mouseReleaseEvent(class QMouseEvent * ptr64)
(100) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0007B76C 0x5E90C76C 0x010DB710
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\QtGui4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QWidget::event + 0xCC bytes
Decl: protected: virtual bool QWidget::event(class QEvent * ptr64)
(101) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002647D 0x5E8B747D 0x010DB740
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\QtGui4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper + 0x10D bytes
Decl: public: bool QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(class QObject * ptr64,class QEvent * ptr64)
(102) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000283AE 0x5E8B93AE 0x010DB9D0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\QtGui4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QApplication::notify + 0x62E bytes
Decl: public: virtual bool QApplication::notify(class QObject * ptr64,class QEvent * ptr64)
(103) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0000BDCC 0xECF3CDCC 0x010DBA30
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\ExtensionLayer.dll (-exported-)
Location: ThotkeyManager::saveOnQuit + 0x2FC bytes
Decl: public: bool ThotkeyManager::saveOnQuit(void)
(104) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0011A722 0x5FF4B722 0x010DBA90
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\QtCore4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QCoreApplication::notifyInternal + 0x72 bytes
Decl: private: bool QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(class QObject * ptr64,class QEvent * ptr64)
(105) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000279FE 0x5E8B89FE 0x010DBB00
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\QtGui4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent + 0x1DE bytes
Decl: public: static bool QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(class QWidget * ptr64,class QMouseEvent * ptr64,class QWidget * ptr64,class QWidget * ptr64,class QWidget * ptr64 * ptr64,class QPointer<class QWidget> & ptr64,bool)
(106) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0009CB18 0x5E92DB18 0x010DBC50
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\QtGui4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QApplication::winFocus + 0xDD8 bytes
Decl: public: void QApplication::winFocus(class QWidget * ptr64,bool)
(107) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0009FCF6 0x5E930CF6 0x010DBFE0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\QtGui4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor + 0x9B6 bytes
Decl: public: static void QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(void)
(108) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00018BD1 0x77159BD1 0x010DC0A0
Module: C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll (-exported-)
Location: TranslateMessageEx + 0x2A1 bytes
Decl: TranslateMessageEx
(109) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000188DA 0x771598DA 0x010DC120
Module: C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll (-exported-)
Location: TranslateMessage + 0x1EA bytes
Decl: TranslateMessage
(110) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0014923A 0x5FF7A23A 0x010DF460
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\QtCore4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents + 0x3BA bytes
Decl: public: virtual bool QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents(class QFlags<enum QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>)
(111) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0009F295 0x5E930295 0x010DF490
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\QtGui4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QApplicationPrivate::translateTouchEvent + 0x8C5 bytes
Decl: public: bool QApplicationPrivate::translateTouchEvent(struct tagMSG const & ptr64)
(112) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0011904A 0x5FF4A04A 0x010DF4E0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\QtCore4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QEventLoop::exec + 0x14A bytes
Decl: public: int QEventLoop::exec(class QFlags<enum QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>)
(113) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0011E2D0 0x5FF4F2D0 0x010DF530
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\QtCore4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QCoreApplication::exec + 0xE0 bytes
Decl: public: static int QCoreApplication::exec(void)
(114) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0000ABB0 0xECF3BBB0 0x010DF630
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\ExtensionLayer.dll (-exported-)
Location: Tapplication::start + 0xC0 bytes
Decl: public: void Tapplication::start(void)
(115) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00003A4D 0x3FBA4A4D 0x010DF880
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\maya.exe (-nosymbols-)
(116) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00015D23 0x3FBB6D23 0x010DF900
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\maya.exe (-nosymbols-)
(117) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00014FD7 0x3FBB5FD7 0x010DF9B0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\bin\maya.exe (-nosymbols-)
(118) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0001552D 0x7771652D 0x010DF9E0
Module: C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll (-exported-)
Location: BaseThreadInitThunk + 0xD bytes
Decl: BaseThreadInitThunk
(119) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002B521 0x7784C521 0x010DFA30
Module: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll (-exported-)
Location: RtlUserThreadStart + 0x21 bytes
Decl: RtlUserThreadStart
End of stack

//crash log file name = C:\Users\Justin\AppData\Local\Temp\MayaCrashLog130 509.1113.log
//version = 2012.02.22.0246
//cut = Wed 02/22/2012, 201202220246
//current scene = C:/Users/Justin/Documents/maya/projects/Kitchen - Contemporary/scenes/Contemporary Kitchen.mb
//last tool: Move
//================================================== ==
//panel with focus: renderWindowPanel1
//visible panels:
// modelPanel4 renderWindowPanel1
//================================================== ==
//Memory usage:
// 2048.000 Mb Free Memory
// 2048.000 Mb Free Swap
// 1169.520 Mb Current
// 472.175 Mb Arrays
// 72.188 Mb MEL
// 0.135 Mb arguments
// 2.297 Mb Data Blocks
// 0.311 Mb Pixel Map
// 0.190 Mb Object Arrays
// 3.500 Mb Render Cache
// 0.495 Mb Transforms
//================================================== ==

What could be the problem? Please help me, I've worked too hard on this kitchen to have it crash on me. I'm trying to build up my portfolio. Thank you.

Last edited by JustMcCollum; 09-05-2013 at 04:37 PM. Reason: disabling smilies
# 2 09-05-2013 , 05:19 PM
NextDesign's Avatar
Technical Director
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 2,988
It's not mentalray that's crashing, it's actually a part of Maya regarding geometry. Try running the mentalray diagnostics, and see if it pops up any warnings.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
# 3 09-05-2013 , 05:47 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 18

It's not mentalray that's crashing, it's actually a part of Maya regarding geometry. Try running the mentalray diagnostics, and see if it pops up any warnings.

There is so much geometry going on in my kitchen...

user added image

I tried eliminating all geometry piece by piece, and nothing is working.

I even literally deleted all the geometry at once in the entire scene, rendered with mental ray with nothing in the scene at all.

I even removed all nonmanifold geometry and it still crashes... user added image

# 4 09-05-2013 , 05:58 PM
NextDesign's Avatar
Technical Director
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 2,988

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
# 5 10-05-2013 , 05:32 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 18

Did you run the mentalray diagnostics?

This is what I get in the render diagnostics.

// Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2014/scripts/startup/rememberViewportSettings.mel line 43: Active stereo does not work with Aero enabled. Active stereo has been disabled. //
// untitled //
commandPort -securityWarning -name commandportDefault;
// mental ray for Maya 2014
// Mental ray for Maya: using startup file C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014//maya.rayrc.
// mental ray for Maya: setup
// mental ray for Maya: initialize
// mental ray for Maya: register extensions
// mental ray Node Factory: loaded
// mental ray for Maya: successfully registered
// mental ray for Maya: loading startup file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014//maya.rayrc
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/include/abcimport.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/abcimport.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/include/AdskShaderSDKWrappers.mi
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/include/architectural.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/architectural.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/include/base.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/base.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/include/builtin_bsdf.mi
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/include/contour.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/contour.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/include/paint.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/paint.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/include/physics.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/physics.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/include/production.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/production.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/include/ptex.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/ptex.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/include/subsurface.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/subsurface.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/include/surfaceSampler.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/surfaceSampler.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/include/userdata.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/userdata.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// parsing C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/include/useribl.mi
// loading C:/Program Files/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2014/shaders/useribl.dll
// generating Maya nodes...
// AbcExport v1.0 using Alembic 1.1.2 (built Oct 22 2012 17:06:34)
// AbcImport v1.0 using Alembic 1.1.2 (built Oct 22 2012 17:06:34)
file -f -options "v=0;p=17;f=0" -typ "mayaBinary" -o "C:/Users/Justin/Documents/maya/projects/Kitchen - Contemporary/scenes/Contemporary Kitchen.mb";addRecentFile("C:/Users/Justin/Documents/maya/projects/Kitchen - Contemporary/scenes/Contemporary Kitchen.mb", "mayaBinary");
requires "Mayatomr" "2013.0 - ";
requires "stereoCamera" "10.0";
// File read in 0 seconds.
// Warning: line 0: Encountered a non-manifold vertex. Cannot Bevel. //
// Warning: line 0: Can't perform polyBevel13 on selection //
// Warning: line 0: Encountered a non-manifold vertex. Cannot Bevel. //
// Warning: line 0: Can't perform polyBevel14 on selection //
// Warning: line 0: Can't perform pasted__polySplit1 on selection //
// Warning: line 0: Can't perform polySplit3 on selection //
// Warning: line 0: Can't perform polySplit4 on selection //
// Warning: line 0: Can't perform polySplit5 on selection //
// Warning: line 0: This file is from an older version of Maya. If saved, it will not be readable by previous versions. //
// Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2014/scripts/startup/findStartUpCamera.mel line 130: Could not find an appropriate startup camera: front. A substitute will be used. //
// 0 warning

I'm not sure what any of this means really. I installed Maya 2014 to see if that would fix it, but it didn't.

Can somebody please help me clarify what the diagnostics say? Thanks.

P.S. I don't understand how it can be geometry problems. When I delete ALL of the geometry and objects from the scene completely, Mental Ray still crashes the program.

Last edited by JustMcCollum; 10-05-2013 at 05:40 AM.
# 6 10-05-2013 , 05:39 AM
NextDesign's Avatar
Technical Director
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 2,988
You have some bad geometry, as it says on these lines:

// Warning: line 0: Encountered a non-manifold vertex. Cannot Bevel. //
// Warning: line 0: Can't perform polyBevel13 on selection //
// Warning: line 0: Encountered a non-manifold vertex. Cannot Bevel. //
// Warning: line 0: Can't perform polyBevel14 on selection //
// Warning: line 0: Can't perform pasted__polySplit1 on selection //
// Warning: line 0: Can't perform polySplit3 on selection //
// Warning: line 0: Can't perform polySplit4 on selection //
// Warning: line 0: Can't perform polySplit5 on selection //

Which makes sense, as your previous crash log says it has something to do with geometry as well.

What you can do is select your geometry, and export it as an OBJ file, which saves just the geometry data. Create a new scene, and import it back in. This will clean out any bad geometry. Now, try rendering the newly created file. It should render just fine.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
# 7 10-05-2013 , 05:41 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 18

You have some bad geometry, as it says on these lines:

Which makes sense, as your previous crash log says it has something to do with geometry as well.

What you can do is select your geometry, and export it as an OBJ file, which saves just the geometry data. Create a new scene, and import it back in. This will clean out any bad geometry. Now, try rendering the newly created file. It should render just fine.

GREAT IDEA! =D Thanks. I'll try it again tomorrow morning and let you know the results.

# 8 10-05-2013 , 04:15 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 18

You have some bad geometry, as it says on these lines:

Which makes sense, as your previous crash log says it has something to do with geometry as well.

What you can do is select your geometry, and export it as an OBJ file, which saves just the geometry data. Create a new scene, and import it back in. This will clean out any bad geometry. Now, try rendering the newly created file. It should render just fine.

THANK YOU SO MUCH! =D user added image

Importing the scene as a new obj file works like magic! Not one problem since I did that.

I appreciate your help!

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