Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 14-01-2008 , 09:34 AM
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maya island

i have a dream.., that one day AAALLLL men will be equal in the..??

sorry, wrong forum ?! whoops!!!

im going to start doing sets.

first this one inspired by a tut.

after that a cartoon set inspired by a tut

after that some production sets with extension done using PS and maya to extend the sets with matt painting, animation and 3D objects to be composited in shake.., the subject will be Adelaide, so the people are moving as they should along the main street but in a completely, or near complete digital fantasy land, otherwise known as a 'set.' (using the first frame as a back plate) with camera tracking done in boujou.., as for object tracking.., not sure ill need it for what i want to do.., just some demos.., not an actual film.., yet!

so thats my dream.., do 3 sets.., and by the end.., many different production workflows and techniques used in a practicle ways so i understand the apps and the processes by the end on it. should take about 12 months.

here is the very start of the first one.

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Last edited by mirek03; 14-01-2008 at 09:38 AM.
# 2 14-01-2008 , 11:51 AM
anasasis's Avatar
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that is a huge learning curve your stepping into camera tracking compositing matte painting all at the same time how much expereince have you got with these things i hope it all goes well for you mirek

# 3 14-01-2008 , 12:05 PM
wod's Avatar
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that sounds like a nice little task you've set yourself! thats the kinda stuff that i wanna get in to eventually. you got your insperation from the digital tutors tut i presume? is it any good, i was going to get it myself.

i'll be keeping my eye on this one i think!

"You won't get anything done by planning" - Karl Pilkington
# 4 14-01-2008 , 06:36 PM
Mayaniac's Avatar
As Zbrushiac sounds stupid!
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So your going to be building an island???

Thats going to be quite an under taking don't you think?

Well I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out!

Good luck!

"Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!"
"Um, this isn't Mars. This is Earth."
"Earth? Earth-with-nuclear-weapons Earth?"
[long pause] "Friend!!"
# 5 15-01-2008 , 04:13 AM
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anasasis, you are correct, it is a huge learning curve.., i have had quiet a bit of experience with this sort of thing, i did 4 years of film at uni.., its the modeling i will be struggling with; tracking is easy, compositing is easy, sound is easy.., all basic DV and Audio principles.., set extension is difficult (for me) .., im thinking of seeing if i can find manpower and resources at uni.

wod.., good guess, but you are half right, the real meat comes from somewhere else.., DVDs.., but somewhere else. the digi ones are great tuts.., the others i have are much more indepth.., how else could i learn shake for example

anyway.., this is all difficult from the start.., (despite me saying its easy but you know what i mean user added image

here is a brginning but ill be painting over the image and on to the nurbs surface soon so i thought id put up this image.

ill be making assets in other projects as i go.., but ill keep it happening here in case people have something constructive to say that might help user added image

cheers guys for your interest.., please stay tooned

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# 6 15-01-2008 , 06:29 AM
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Mayaniac; quiet an undertaking?? do I think??.., yes a very big undertaking.., not so much this first project (out of the three) which is difficult enough.., but.., well, its an extremely big thing to do with only one person and makes one understand why people work in teams.

anyway.., here is an advance on the last one.., no texture painting yet.., still have to do some artisan work and then painting straight onto the nurbs plane and , then using that as a guide.

this island is one i made up.., though the tut offers a map.., they invited the user to make their own.., which i did.

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# 7 16-01-2008 , 03:39 AM
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ive done a bit to the island but its too boring to put here.., ive been making some assets to use on the set

here is one that I designed some time ago and did today

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# 8 16-01-2008 , 03:41 AM
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hmm, looks like i forgot to set the render to 'production'..??

anyway.., the lighting here is interesting.., nice soft shadows.., very simple.., about 6 directional lights all at .6 intensity and all in opposite directions from each other.., you can see them under the main body.., that cluster of lines.., thats the lights.

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# 9 16-01-2008 , 05:42 AM
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Look good Mirec,

I like the interesting design to the train thing. But your rear carriage pie shaped thing has no axles. user added image

Looking forward to seeing how this turns out.

"Your weapons are no match for ours! People of Mars, surrender!"
"Um, this isn't Mars. This is Earth."
"Earth? Earth-with-nuclear-weapons Earth?"
[long pause] "Friend!!"
# 10 17-01-2008 , 02:31 AM
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no mate.., its not finished yet.., the hardest, because its the most boring (for me) though its an EXTREMELY important element.., is blocking out.., and blocking out anisland is pretty boring.., but its all learning and thats good enough.., and good enough is good enough !!

this is what i mean.., the plan is painted straight onto the polygon object after UV mapping it.

UGLY.., but so are baby birds when they are first born .., LOL user added image

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# 11 17-01-2008 , 03:51 AM
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nice little designed vehicle mirek, reminds me of something that could be in a mechanical version of alice in wonderland user added image


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# 12 17-01-2008 , 04:25 AM
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thanks Tick.., always good to see your smiling words user added image

it is a bit like that.., i was sort of going for that Victorian fantasy look.., 'Steamboy' sort of look. Not sure how it will populate the two sets i have in mind.., so maybe a third?? the 'Alice in the Mechanical Wonderland 'set???

Alice was the Victorian age I think?? some connection there!?

as mentioned not finished yet. Im going to start keeping everything from now. that was my first fantasy design.., and i created it.., good feeling.., but more important.,i was in a production house today (editing) and the guys needed a 3D guy.., if i had of kept a collection of the few i did finish i might have (would have ) landed a job (very few good 3D artists here and as you know, no matter how good.., its still luck and who you know) .., so im going to keep EVERYTHING from now on in case that opportunity arises again

cheers Tick user added image

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# 13 18-01-2008 , 02:13 AM
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thought i better post something.., (???).., i had a bad day with a buggy (pun) maya. vertices were freezing the puter.., only on maya. tunes the graphics card.., seems OK.., i quickly did some to this. tried to put a hi res man in the scene.., forgor to average UVs.., had a bad time.., cant pint weights.


.., oh yea,,m had a bad time with a palm tree.., extruding was giving me trouble (of all things ??)

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# 14 18-01-2008 , 02:57 AM
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Cool little vehicle! Made me smile!

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# 15 18-01-2008 , 04:23 AM
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thanks user added image

hey this maya has been a bit buggy.., the only thing i can think of is im in feet around 300 foot in the scene and this might be crashing maya??

any thoughts??

camera clipping is .5-10000

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