Maya 2020 fundamentals - modelling the real world
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# 16 24-06-2006 , 03:44 AM
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Originally posted by happymat27
I got the characters into position. all I've got to do is paint their texture maps now!! That and add plenty of blood!!

Feedback would be cool,


when I first saw the complete render it screamed ALIEN, when the characters were added that sealed the deal... you're doing the chestburster scene from ALIEN, right? right?

looks cool.

# 17 24-06-2006 , 06:41 AM
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Thanks folks, nice words.

esion, I'm surprised that it's going together so quickly too. It helps having made the figure previously so I just had to import it a few times. They are rigged, it makes it so much quicker and easier to pose and move them (if you follow the link in my first post there is a picture of the very simple rig). There are no dynamics in the scene, all the characters are just posed.

Tnarg, you're absolutely right! I'm really chuffed that you picked up on it before the figures were put in!!



# 18 24-06-2006 , 11:34 AM
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Hello folks,

Unfortunately I'm not going to be able to make any progress on this for a few days as my desktop has keeled over and died and I don't have Maya on my laptop.

I'll get right back to it when my computers mended.

Take it easy,


# 19 25-06-2006 , 04:14 AM
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very nice work, looks great, rigged??

take it easy and life will be easy
# 20 25-06-2006 , 05:30 AM
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this is going to be so cool.
Its often the simple thing that are the best.
How did u render the scene so realisticly? Like the lights and settings and stuff.
I can see this could branch of into star trek/wars type stuff.

Food 4 Thought: Does the universe end and if it does, whats behind the universe?
# 21 25-06-2006 , 06:04 AM
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G'day mirek,

to rig a model is basically when you make a skeleton using the joint tool and bind it to the geometry, once bound the geometry will move with the skeleton. The basic skeleton runs on FK (forward kinematic) controls, this is where each joint works seperately, a bit like posing a stop frame animation puppet. It's possible to add IK (inverse kinematic) controls to your rig, these allow you to control the movement os a limb by selecting just one joint, for example if you use an IK handle on a leg you need only move the ankle and the knee and hip will follow accordingly.

bcrichplayer, thanks. Someone already said that it reminds them of lego starwars, we'll see what happens!! I rendered it using mentalray with finalgather, all of the stage geometry has a slightly incandescent white shader on it to give it that whiter than white look. I've also used a few point lights placed inside the room and a large area light outside. I'll try to remember to post a piture of the set up when my desktop is up and running.

Take it easy,


# 22 25-06-2006 , 07:20 AM
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:attn: hey dude, thanks for that, i know a little about animation but its nice when someone can simplify (if thats possible) events such as forward kinetics etc, it gets tiresome with long winded explanations even though best intentions are meant. Slowly i am beginning to come to grips with it. It seemed so easy when one starts, you know the 'bouncing ball and squash, bend, flat tangents, etc' but gets complicated very much as time goes on.

is this how you are rigging the characters. (farout idea, your on a winner as usual)

cheers mate user added image

take it easy and life will be easy
# 23 25-06-2006 , 09:45 AM
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Thanks mirek,

The cube people have a very simple rig with IK handles on the legs. I might add elbow joints in the future if I decide to animate but at the moment I want to keep to the original design of the figure with fixed elbows.

If you are interested in character rigging there are loads of tutorials out there, as far as literature goes I can highly reccomend 'The Art of Rigging' books from CG Toolkit. They're quite expensive, what isn't in this game, but very clear and concise.



# 24 25-06-2006 , 12:04 PM
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yea mate, i have a few tuts, its a bit like maths but I'll get there. It would be good to see these cube people animated though, seems made for it. As far as the books, well, you know what they say, 'no money, no honey' i can't even eat at the moment, I have a can of baked beans and that's it until tomorrow user added image I'll probably model it tonight to get more out of it :blush:

take it easy and life will be easy
# 25 14-07-2006 , 05:31 PM
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Sorry it's been so long but I now have my new computer built :attn: and all of my licenses have been changed over so software works which means that I can continue with this scene, YAY!!

I'll post updates as and when they happen, I'm going to have a crack at this months competition too so progress may be slower than before.

Hope the beans were good Mirek!!

Take it easy,


# 26 14-07-2006 , 05:34 PM
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woohoo that is great ..cube people uprising i hear wohooo

glad your got your rig back up and running . cant wait to see progress ...

also I would love to know some of the new render times you have compared to old ones if you have a chance ...

# 27 14-07-2006 , 06:14 PM
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Cheers mmoore,

I just rendered out the last image again so that I could compare their times. The new render time with exactly the same set up, mentalray with final gather, is a little under 2 and a half minutes in comparison with around 7 minutes previously. Not bad.

Take it easy,


# 28 14-07-2006 , 10:29 PM
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7 minutes using what? (what sort of performance are we talking here lol) ... and the beans were good, i was bloody starving. Great your back in with this one..

take it easy and life will be easy
# 29 14-07-2006 , 10:42 PM
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i love the cube people!!!! user added image

# 30 16-07-2006 , 05:06 PM
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Cheers folks.

glad you enjoyed your beans mirek user added image!

I spent a little time playing with photoshop this afternoon and made the texture for Parker. There's no blood on him yet, I'll do that when I've got the rest of the characters finished.

Take it easy,


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