Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 31 23-05-2006 , 08:52 AM
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oops, forgot the pic!!

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# 32 23-05-2006 , 11:48 AM
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oh that is too kewl mat

keep up the good work the last render of him on his little step and him/her jumping over the rail is too kewl ..i think that is what you call it

# 33 23-05-2006 , 01:39 PM
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cool pose user added image keep it up

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# 34 24-05-2006 , 06:22 PM
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Cheers folks,

I've decided to leave lighting and rendering for now and have made a start on a scene to put him in. I want it to look sort of Jules Verne style futuristic victorian, lots of brass and green leather. The walls are going to have pipes of different sizes, book shelves and various control panels. The large iris window opens and closes using set driven keys which I rekon looks pretty cool. I've left the character in to give an idea of scale.



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# 35 24-05-2006 , 08:37 PM
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Sweeet start m8 - I like the curved girder supports against the wall.

Are you using anything as reference or just imagination?

# 36 25-05-2006 , 08:22 AM
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Cheers tiddles,

I've made a couple of very rough idea sketches that I'm working from which show the basic shape of the room with the contents roughed out If I have an idea that deviates from my plan I'll try it out and if it works that's good, if it doesn't then it's no biggy!

I've got a busy couple of days but I should have an update or two soon.

Take it easy,


# 37 27-05-2006 , 07:42 PM
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Hello folks,

as I said I've been a bit busy over the past couple of days but I've managed to sit down and make a sliding trap door and a rising pedestal with steps for the scene. I've attached a small ,320/240 draft quality, animation to demonstrate how they move. I'll be in Surrey for the next few days then I've got an exam to attend when I get back which means that updates will be on hold for a bit.

Tell me what you think.



click here to see bad quality, small animation

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# 38 27-05-2006 , 07:50 PM
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And, sweet looking controls you got there, mat! user added image

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# 39 28-05-2006 , 02:43 AM
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The iris opening is cool and I like the trap door & platform. I also like the timing on animation. My only critique is all the poles :blush:

I do see the other poles in the scene againts the walls, so maybe thats the reason. But for me (and this is only my opinion) I think that with the stair supports - less is more ?

If I was makin it (well to be honest, I'd just be happy to have come up with the idea 1st user added image ). But if I was makin it, I'd be using one of them cool curved girder ideas. Maybe have it come out of a hole in floor and rotate until it intersects with top platform. I not sure how stairs wood be attached, so I guess I'm really not helping.

Hang on a minute, let me make up a quick test animation to explain - BRB....

Ok, back again. Bloody hell, that was alot harder than I was expecting :p

Anyway, I've rendered a short test as a suggestion only: (may need to right pick - save target as)

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# 40 28-05-2006 , 07:05 AM
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Cheers for the thoughts guys,

I really like your idea for the steps but I wanted to try and keep the whole set sort of futuristic steam age (visible pistons, large dials etc.) and I think the test you so kindly made looks more Warner Brothers (Marvin the Martian-esque). I hope you don't take that as a put down, if I was making something more cartoony or futuristic I would almost certainly utilise your idea in designing the steps

My thinking behind them was to see a section of the floor rising and breaking off into steps up to the platform as it rose, kind of theatrical and not particularly sleek. The machines of the steam age were all huge, brass, pistons and pipes, that's the look I'm going for (but more!!).

Initially I did try to streamline the steps in so far as only having one piston in the centre of each step but because of the diameter of the pole the steps looked kind of unstable so I decided to use the design that you've seen. I think that once I've got some more of the room content and some textures done it'll look better.

Thanks for the effort you put in to your crit, my mind is always open to ideas.

Take it easy,


# 41 28-05-2006 , 07:29 AM
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No dramas at all m8 user added image

I personally can't wait to see the rest of the set!

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"If you think you can or if you think you can't....... you're right!"
- Henry Ford.

KickarZ Studios
# 42 28-05-2006 , 08:48 AM
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wow i really love how this is going ..I love the animation ....looks like a batman seen to me ..or what lightman ...add a cape and mask lmao or in your case a shade lol

very impressive work ..I cant wait to see the progress on this ....

Last edited by mmoore5553; 28-05-2006 at 10:02 AM.
# 43 28-05-2006 , 09:59 AM
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look at those cute little exercises.

A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice!!
# 44 07-06-2006 , 07:11 PM
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Hello folks,

I know it's been a while but I've had a whole plate of busy to eat my way through. Here's a snapshot progress report on the set I'm building for Lamp Guy. The railings on the upper level are new, I've made a start on the underfloor and wall pipes and there are a bunch of book shelves against the walls now, a couple of which will be removed in favour of Some control panels in the near future.

Hope you like it so far, I'll try to make progress happen a little quicker now as I have a little more free time!



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# 45 07-06-2006 , 07:15 PM
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Superb matt, love the Idea.

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