lol i know dude!! that marketing angle! what a jip! i watched that trailer way too fastOriginally posted by GecT
LOL I think thats what roped in the people who even bothered to see this film "from the same people who made the matrix" was its only marketing angle, its still freakin Speed Racer, you gotta love Hollywood.
Not exactly Jali. Yes the Whatever brothers are cons but for a much different reason. https://intellectualliberal.blogspot....atrix-and.htmlOriginally posted by jali
The Wachowski bros are cons man!!:headbang: the idea behind
the matrix was a complete ripoff of ghost in the shell and a bunch of other anime spliced together,
Originally posted by AnthonyCg
Not exactly Jali. Yes the Whatever brothers are cons but for a much different reason. https://intellectualliberal.blogspot....atrix-and.html
This is why The Matrix was good and Speed Racer sucked. Not to mention, the Matrix had better acting sort of. And the old cartoon Speed Racer was far better than the movie- you can bet on that.
But after watching Iron Man again I felt MUCH better.
Man, I cant believe you actually thought Speed Racer was going to be a good movie. I knew the moment I saw the trailer it was going to suck. I liked the first Matrix flick. The others really sucked.Originally quoted by:danotronXX
after reading the CG article on popular science, knowing its directed by the Wachowski bros, and hearing the phenomenal techno on the trailer, I was pumped this whole week to go see the movie. I thought I was up for some sweet bullet time matrix action with modified speed automobiles along with action-packed techno[like in the trailer] but it was a huge disappointment. probably the worst movie I have ever seen with an official F rating. which is very ironic because the Wachowski bros made "the matrix" which was my alltime favorite movie. what happened???????????why would they do that?????? At first I was confused why Keanu turned down the role but now I understand. This movie had no style similar to the matrix and the storyline was rather predicatable with cheesy comedy. the flik had no techno but instead was covered with 60s looney toons soundtracks. i understand a lot of the cg environment is suppose to keep in style but is it really aesthetically pleasing? for me I didn't think so and the picture didn't seem very interesting to look at. It wasn't like Sin city which had a very unique and aesthetically appealing look to it in my opinion. and on the opening night about 90% of the theater was empty. I probably misunderstood the trailer and I think this was more for a family/children audience.
Originally posted by THX1138
Man, I cant believe you actually thought Speed Racer was going to be a good movie. I knew the moment I saw the trailer it was going to suck. I liked the first Matrix flick. The others really sucked.
I watched speed racer in the 70's and early 80's when it was still in syndication on regular tv. It's really made for kids more than anything else, but kids these days are nothing like the kids back then. Today, video games have tooken the place of all the saturday morning and weekday afternoon cartoons that use to be shown way back in the day for kids. Actually, I'm surprized that the Wachowski bros would market Speed Racer for the kids today. There's not too many kids today that would actually sit down and watch the classic toons let alone the movie, and if it doesn't sell a XBOX or PS3 game then forget it. The Wachowski bros have lost it in my opinion.
thanks for the metropolis fever compliments jali i appreciate itOriginally posted by jali
The Wachowski bros are cons man!!:headbang: the idea behind
the matrix was a complete ripoff of ghost in the shell and a bunch of other anime spliced together
also didn't one of the wachoski brothers have asex change operation,well wouldn't that make them the wachoski brother and sister,
p.s matroplis feaver was awsome, and my family thought so too:bow:
Originally posted by AnthonyCg
Not exactly Jali. Yes the Whatever brothers are cons but for
a much different reason.
that is freakin nuts i had no idea that crap ever happened... stupid corporate media DEATH SQUAD!!!!Originally posted by AnthonyCg
Not exactly Jali. Yes the Whatever brothers are cons but for a much different reason. https://intellectualliberal.blogspot....atrix-and.html