I want to buy ZBrush 4R4 Dynamesh Character Busts tutorial but i got some issues.
I tried to do it from my old acc and this one and I can't get through the payment.
After pressing Pay Now on PayPal webpage I get those errors :
"This payment cannot be completed and your account has not been charged. Please contact your merchant for more information."
"We are not able to process your payment using your PayPal account at this time. Please return to the merchant's website and try using a different payment method (if available)."
I have money on my visa
My PayPal acc and CreditCard is confirmed
I've sent mail to admin[at]simplymaya[dot]com but didn't receive any response.
Who should I contact for that issue? Am I doing something wrong? Is that tutorial only for VIPs?
I need a hand on my first buy please

Thanx in advance