I'm trying to make a very simple dynamic simulation with two objects. One is a passive rigid body that's animated to rotate 180 degrees every 2 seconds. The other is an active rigid body that slides down the edge of the first object, pulled by gravity, until it collides with the bottom of the passive body's geometry. See screenshots. After 2 seconds (60 frames), the passive rotates 180, carrying the active body with it, and then stops, at which point the active body slides down to the bottom again, pulled by gravity. This process repeats several times.
Problem: After 1, 2, sometimes 3 180-degree rotations of the passive body, the active body begins to misbehave in very strange ways. It doesn't always happen at the same time, either. The translate and rotate attributes become "-1.#IO". I'm thinking maybe the floating point math is getting out of hand and Maya is beginning to round the numbers, causing interpenetration? But in my very limited experience with maya/dynamics, if that were the case it should just interpenetrate and throw a warning, not obliterate the geometry, right? I have the Step Size and Collision Tolerance set to .001 for the solver. Maybe it's a frame rate issue? I have it set at 30fps, play every frame. The project is attached, and screen shots are below for quick reference. Any ideas are more than welcome. Thanks!