How do I get Convert to File Texture (Maya Software) to work?
I can't get Convert to File Texture (Maya Software) in hypershade to work. Where does it save the file? I select my model and shift select the material in hypershade and the only result I get is that it duplicates the material, I can't find a texture file anywhere.
I'm done uv mapping my model and ready to texture it. To make it easier to texture I'm trying to bake just flat color of the parts of my model to be able to easily select them in photoshop. I'm getting exactly that by using batch bake, baking light and color (and also tweaking the materials a little) to get a flat color map but I can't bake just color, I can only bake light -and- color, which always gives me an extra file I don't need. I think Convert to File Texture (Maya Software) in hypershade is supposed to be faster too. I'm talking about something like this: Thanks.
Last edited by madwh; 19-11-2014 at 07:20 PM.