To explain it more clearly, for instance, I have one base unchanged triax weight-mapped figure (Figure A), which has its own stable vertex count and order -
Figure A

Then I morphed this figure in several third-party programs, where it was broken to body parts (exported from its native program as splitted unwelded OBJ), for easier editing and morphing (because with a welded OBJ my editor crashes too often). After morphing I welded body parts (OBJ groups) and saved the figure as a new OBJ, which has the same vertex count as an original Figure A but different vertex order. I name this new OBJ as Figure B.
Figure B.

Now I need to transfer the shape of Figure B to the Figure A (to make the morph). As the vertex order differs, the morph is not working by itself. So I need to make this base Figure A to take on the shape of Figure B (that means to transfer vertex position from the morphed B to the base unmorphed A)? How to do it in Maya, if the vertex order was changed? I guess I should use Transfer Attributes, but which options exactly must be checked? As far as see, Uvs remained the same too - can I use it for transferring vertex position? If I should make a blendshape, how to it exactly?