So I bought the Ferrari 360 tutorial by Robert Scott over here at - unfortunately I now realise I should have spent the points on the DVD version instead since the compression of the downloadables leaves a bit to be desired.
I'm not quite sure what you guys look for in WIP shots, but I thought I'd just screenshot what I've got so far, and post it here. Especially since I can't find another thread about modelling after this particular tutorial.
Shown below is where I am after having just finished part 10 of the tutorial. Modelled the basic body of it in polygons, and have just finished the air intakes, and the exhaust pipe, along with a crude version of the mesh.
There's a few things there that I need to sort out. For example, the windshield has a bit of a ridge along the middle of it (something I just noticed when I duplicated the other side of it).
I'm still developing the patience to tweak around ad nauseum until I have every little detail sorted out, but right now I just feel like I want to finish a model (something I haven't done yet), and the next one I work on, I will spend even more time to polish those details

Some thoughts so far about the tutorial itself
So far I have had great fun following the tutorial. Some tutorials are just a bit too descriptive, with the tutor repeating something 50 times through the entire tutorial, but this one seems to have a nice balance between too descriptive, and assuming the viewer knows everything.
The quality of sound could be a lot better, and it sounds like it's recorded using a very cheap microphone without noise cancellation. The volume has been very much below average, and at one point it dropped to 40-50%, forcing me to crank the volume up a lot - only to get shocked out of my mind when it suddenly went back to 100%.
Sound-wise I expected more, with a price tag such as that. Although I guess I should see the sounds of cars running by the tutor's home as a bit of an atmospheric bonus, considering what I'm modelling

I'm having a lot of fun so far, and even though the money could have been better spent paying for my bills, I feel like it was money well spent - so far