Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 1 07-12-2014 , 11:58 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 2

Crash when painting weights


I'm having a little trouble with crashing while painting weights.

I've troubleshooted a little bit and this is what I know:

* If I open a pre-existing maya file with objects that is rigged, I can weight paint the pre-existing objects without a crash.

* If I import any mesh or create an object (basic sphere), I bind the object, I can add influence, the second I try to take away influence - it crashes.

* I can bind an imported object or created object to the rig - save out - close maya - re open maya - paint weights and it's fine.

I'm using a new install of maya 2015. This didn't happen on the previous install.

Here's the crash log:

//================================================== ===
Maya Crash Report
//================================================== ===

Exception code: C0000005: ACCESS_VIOLATION - illegal read at address 0xFFFFFFFF
Fault address: E4360F70 in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\FOUNDATION.dll
0001:000EFF70 Logical offset (see .map file for location)

Call stack:
(0) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000EFF70 0xE4360F70 0x01167340
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\FOUNDATION.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdataHashTable<TbdData * __ptr64,TbdData * __ptr64>::clearall + 0x50 bytes
Decl: private: void TdataHashTable<class TbdData * ptr64,class TbdData * ptr64>::clearall(void)
(1) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000EF836 0xE4360836 0x01167380
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\FOUNDATION.dll (-exported-)
Location: TbdDataPtrArray::~TbdDataPtrArray + 0x36 bytes
Decl: public: TbdDataPtrArray::~TbdDataPtrArray(void)
(2) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0010856F 0xDBFF956F 0x011673C0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\PolyEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TpolyBdBlindData::~TpolyBdBlindData + 0x3F bytes
Decl: public: virtual TpolyBdBlindData::~TpolyBdBlindData(void)
(3) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00108511 0xDBFF9511 0x01167400
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\PolyEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TpolyGeom::initNeighbourhoodInfo + 0x631 bytes
Decl: public: void TpolyGeom::initNeighbourhoodInfo(int * ptr64,int * ptr64)
(4) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000C52DD 0xDBFB62DD 0x01167440
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\PolyEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TpolyGeom::~TpolyGeom + 0x1DD bytes
Decl: public: virtual TpolyGeom::~TpolyGeom(void)
(5) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000C50E1 0xDBFB60E1 0x01167480
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\PolyEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TpolyGeom::extractSmoothLevel + 0x291 bytes
Decl: public: void TpolyGeom::extractSmoothLevel(unsigned int,class TpolyGeom & ptr64,bool,bool,bool)
(6) section:offset Address Frame
0001:002AB1F6 0xDC19C1F6 0x011674C0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\PolyEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmidBody::~TmidBody + 0x36 bytes
Decl: public: virtual TmidBody::~TmidBody(void)
(7) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00133A21 0xDC024A21 0x01167500
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\PolyEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmeshBasePtrArray::`default constructor closure' + 0x1D1 bytes
Decl: public: void TmeshBasePtrArray::`default constructor closure'(void)
(8) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000886C6 0xDCB596C6 0x01167530
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\Poly.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdataMesh::reset + 0x26 bytes
Decl: public: virtual void TdataMesh::reset(void)
(9) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0008611B 0xDCB5711B 0x01167570
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\Poly.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdataMesh::~TdataMesh + 0x3B bytes
Decl: public: virtual TdataMesh::~TdataMesh(void)
(10) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00086396 0xDCB57396 0x011675A0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\Poly.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdataMesh::operator= + 0xC6 bytes
Decl: public: class TdataMesh & ptr64 TdataMesh::operator=(class TdataLetter const & ptr64)
(11) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000C9E26 0xE433AE26 0x011675D0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\FOUNDATION.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdataLetter::unreference + 0x46 bytes
Decl: public: void TdataLetter::unreference(enum TdataRefType)
(12) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000C8CE3 0xE4339CE3 0x01167600
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\FOUNDATION.dll (-exported-)
Location: Tdata::reset + 0x33 bytes
Decl: public: void Tdata::reset(void)
(13) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000C5CC0 0xE4336CC0 0x01167630
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\FOUNDATION.dll (-exported-)
Location: Tdata::operator= + 0xD0 bytes
Decl: public: class Tdata & ptr64 Tdata::operator=(class Tdata const & ptr64)
(14) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000579D2 0xE2DB89D2 0x01167830
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdataHandle::deepCopy + 0x3132 bytes
Decl: public: void TdataHandle::deepCopy(class TdataHandle const & ptr64)
(15) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000F4E79 0xE2E55E79 0x01167940
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdependNode::dbEvaluate + 0x379 bytes
Decl: protected: virtual bool TdependNode::dbEvaluate(class TmsgEval & ptr64)
(16) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000F4AB5 0xE2E55AB5 0x01167990
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdependNode::mpSafeDbEvaluate + 0x55 bytes
Decl: protected: bool TdependNode::mpSafeDbEvaluate(class TmsgEval & ptr64)
(17) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000F2E98 0xE2E53E98 0x01167A60
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdependNode::processEval + 0x288 bytes
Decl: protected: virtual bool TdependNode::processEval(class TmsgEval & ptr64)
(18) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0006C591 0xE2DCD591 0x01167AA0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TfastTrack::debugMe + 0xC91 bytes
Decl: public: static void TfastTrack::debugMe(class TfastTrack const & ptr64,unsigned int)
(19) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000415D1 0xE2DA25D1 0x01167B50
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: Tplug::evalConnectionValue + 0xF1 bytes
Decl: public: bool Tplug::evalConnectionValue(bool,class TdgContext const & ptr64,class TdataHandle & ptr64)
(20) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00041766 0xE2DA2766 0x01167C30
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: Tplug::evaluateValue + 0xB6 bytes
Decl: public: bool Tplug::evaluateValue(class TdataHandle & ptr64,class TdataBlock const & ptr64,bool)
(21) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00067FC7 0xE2DC8FC7 0x01167D80
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdataBlockDG::value + 0xF7 bytes
Decl: public: virtual class TdataHandle TdataBlockDG::value(class Tattribute const & ptr64)
(22) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000AE5FB 0xDCB7F5FB 0x01168030
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\Poly.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmeshShape::computeObject + 0x1EB bytes
Decl: protected: void TmeshShape::computeObject(class Tplug const & ptr64,class TdataBlock & ptr64)
(23) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000F4D64 0xE2E55D64 0x01168140
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdependNode::dbEvaluate + 0x264 bytes
Decl: protected: virtual bool TdependNode::dbEvaluate(class TmsgEval & ptr64)
(24) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00145E1B 0xDE046E1B 0x01168170
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdagObject::dbEvaluate + 0x1B bytes
Decl: public: virtual bool TdagObject::dbEvaluate(class TmsgEval & ptr64)
(25) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000E4EBF 0xE2E45EBF 0x011681D0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdependNode::mpSafeDbEvaluateWithSet + 0x6F bytes
Decl: protected: bool TdependNode::mpSafeDbEvaluateWithSet(class TmsgEval & ptr64)
(26) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00047BE9 0xE2DA8BE9 0x01168260
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: Tplug::processEval + 0xA9 bytes
Decl: private: bool Tplug::processEval(class TdgContext const & ptr64,class TdataHandle * ptr64)
(27) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000419F3 0xE2DA29F3 0x01168340
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: Tplug::evaluateValue + 0x343 bytes
Decl: public: bool Tplug::evaluateValue(class TdataHandle & ptr64,class TdataBlock const & ptr64,bool)
(28) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00067FC7 0xE2DC8FC7 0x01168490
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DependEngine.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdataBlockDG::value + 0xF7 bytes
Decl: public: virtual class TdataHandle TdataBlockDG::value(class Tattribute const & ptr64)
(29) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000C29C8 0xDCB939C8 0x01168500
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\Poly.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmeshShape::meshGeomDataRef + 0x68 bytes
Decl: protected: class Tdata & ptr64 TmeshShape::meshGeomDataRef(void)
(30) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000BBAEA 0xDCB8CAEA 0x01168950
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\Poly.dll (-exported-)
Location: TmeshShape::boundingBox + 0x6A bytes
Decl: public: virtual class TboundingBox TmeshShape::boundingBox(void)
(31) section:offset Address Frame
0001:002C4A05 0xDE1C5A05 0x01168C00
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TfrustumCullTraversal::cull + 0x355 bytes
Decl: private: void TfrustumCullTraversal::cull(class TdagObject * ptr64)
(32) section:offset Address Frame
0001:002ACFEC 0xDE1ADFEC 0x01168C30
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TfrustumCullTraversal::traverse + 0x6C bytes
Decl: public: void TfrustumCullTraversal::traverse(class TdagObject * ptr64)
(33) section:offset Address Frame
0001:002C4F8D 0xDE1C5F8D 0x01168C90
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TfrustumCullTraversal::traverseChildren + 0x16D bytes
Decl: protected: void TfrustumCullTraversal::traverseChildren(class TdagObject * ptr64,bool)
(34) section:offset Address Frame
0001:002C6E5B 0xDE1C7E5B 0x01168CC0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdrawTraversal::processThisObject + 0x17B bytes
Decl: protected: virtual void TdrawTraversal::processThisObject(class TdagObject * ptr64)
(35) section:offset Address Frame
0001:002C6B93 0xDE1C7B93 0x01168D40
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdrawTraversal::processObject + 0x623 bytes
Decl: protected: virtual void TdrawTraversal::processObject(class TdagObject * ptr64)
(36) section:offset Address Frame
0001:002C49B6 0xDE1C59B6 0x01168FF0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TfrustumCullTraversal::cull + 0x306 bytes
Decl: private: void TfrustumCullTraversal::cull(class TdagObject * ptr64)
(37) section:offset Address Frame
0001:002ACFEC 0xDE1ADFEC 0x01169020
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TfrustumCullTraversal::traverse + 0x6C bytes
Decl: public: void TfrustumCullTraversal::traverse(class TdagObject * ptr64)
(38) section:offset Address Frame
0001:002C512A 0xDE1C612A 0x01169160
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TfrustumCullTraversal::traverseDag + 0x11A bytes
Decl: public: bool TfrustumCullTraversal::traverseDag(void)
(39) section:offset Address Frame
0001:002C7B15 0xDE1C8B15 0x01169780
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdrawTraversal::traverseView + 0x345 bytes
Decl: public: void TdrawTraversal::traverseView(class T3dView * ptr64,bool)
(40) section:offset Address Frame
0001:002CC85C 0xDE1CD85C 0x01169870
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdrawProcess::mpRefresh + 0x26C bytes
Decl: public: void TdrawProcess::mpRefresh(class T3dView * ptr64,class TdrawTraversalPtrArray & ptr64)
(41) section:offset Address Frame
0001:002CC5B9 0xDE1CD5B9 0x011698F0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TdrawProcess::refresh + 0x69 bytes
Decl: public: virtual void TdrawProcess::refresh(class T3dView * ptr64,class TdrawTraversal & ptr64)
(42) section:offset Address Frame
0001:002C405B 0xDE1C505B 0x0116ABF0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TidleRefreshCmd::refreshRecursive + 0x16B bytes
Decl: public: static void TidleRefreshCmd::refreshRecursive(class T3dView * ptr64,class Tmodel * ptr64,class TdagPath const & ptr64,class TdrawArgs & ptr64,enum TdisplayAppearance,bool,bool)
(43) section:offset Address Frame
0001:002C2AA7 0xDE1C3AA7 0x0116ADF0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TidleRefreshCmd::refreshBaseRender + 0x1F7 bytes
Decl: private: static bool TidleRefreshCmd::refreshBaseRender(class T3dView * ptr64,bool,bool,enum TdisplayAppearance,bool,bool,bool)
(44) section:offset Address Frame
0001:002C249E 0xDE1C349E 0x0116AEC0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TidleRefreshCmd::refresh + 0x29E bytes
Decl: public: static void TidleRefreshCmd::refresh(class T3dView * ptr64,enum TdisplayAppearance,bool,bool,bool,bool,enum TrefreshType,bool,bool)
(45) section:offset Address Frame
0001:002BEA16 0xDE1BFA16 0x0116AF80
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\DataModel.dll (-exported-)
Location: TtoolRefresh::refresh + 0x3C6 bytes
Decl: public: void TtoolRefresh::refresh(class T3dView * ptr64,enum TrefreshType,bool,bool)
(46) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0003F45A 0xD413045A 0x0116B010
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\JasperSlice.dll (-exported-)
Location: TartBaseContext::refresh + 0x6A bytes
Decl: public: virtual void TartBaseContext::refresh(void)
(47) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0003B248 0xD412C248 0x0116B060
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\JasperSlice.dll (-exported-)
Location: TartBaseContext::doDrag + 0x118 bytes
Decl: public: virtual int TartBaseContext::doDrag(class Tevent const & ptr64)
(48) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0003CF00 0xDB2BDF00 0x0116B160
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\SharedUI.dll (-exported-)
Location: TstandardContext::preDoDrag + 0x210 bytes
Decl: public: virtual int TstandardContext::preDoDrag(class Tevent const & ptr64)
(49) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000EC5B2 0xE29FD5B2 0x0116B190
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\ExtensionLayer.dll (-exported-)
Location: TtoolCallback::doIt + 0x12 bytes
Decl: public: virtual bool TtoolCallback::doIt(class Tevent const & ptr64)
(50) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000D02DD 0xE29E12DD 0x0116B230
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\ExtensionLayer.dll (-exported-)
Location: Tcontrol::doDrag + 0x6D bytes
Decl: protected: virtual int Tcontrol::doDrag(class Tevent const & ptr64)
(51) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00028C5A 0xE6F09C5A 0x0116B2F0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\3dGraphics.dll (-exported-)
Location: QmayaGLWidget::mouseMoveEvent + 0x14A bytes
Decl: protected: virtual void QmayaGLWidget::mouseMoveEvent(class QMouseEvent * ptr64)
(52) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00070907 0x64341907 0x0116B470
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\QtGui4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QWidget::event + 0xA7 bytes
Decl: protected: virtual bool QWidget::event(class QEvent * ptr64)
(53) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002A09D 0x642FB09D 0x0116B4A0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\QtGui4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper + 0x10D bytes
Decl: public: bool QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(class QObject * ptr64,class QEvent * ptr64)
(54) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00028C5D 0x642F9C5D 0x0116B730
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\QtGui4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QApplication::notify + 0x62D bytes
Decl: public: virtual bool QApplication::notify(class QObject * ptr64,class QEvent * ptr64)
(55) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0000F417 0xE2920417 0x0116B7B0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\ExtensionLayer.dll (-exported-)
Location: ThotkeyManager::hotkeysActive + 0x387 bytes
Decl: public: bool ThotkeyManager::hotkeysActive(void)
(56) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0013B26D 0x668FC26D 0x0116B810
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\QtCore4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QCoreApplication::notifyInternal + 0x6D bytes
Decl: private: bool QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(class QObject * ptr64,class QEvent * ptr64)
(57) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002D271 0x642FE271 0x0116B880
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\QtGui4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent + 0x1D1 bytes
Decl: public: static bool QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(class QWidget * ptr64,class QMouseEvent * ptr64,class QWidget * ptr64,class QWidget * ptr64,class QWidget * ptr64 * ptr64,class QPointer<class QWidget> & ptr64,bool)
(58) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000A01F1 0x643711F1 0x0116B9D0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\QtGui4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QScrollBar::trUtf8 + 0x1481 bytes
Decl: public: static class QString QScrollBar::trUtf8(char const * ptr64,char const * ptr64,int)
(59) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000A3CC8 0x64374CC8 0x0116BD70
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\QtGui4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QApplication::winMouseButtonUp + 0x27E8 bytes
Decl: public: static void QApplication::winMouseButtonUp(void)
(60) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00018BD1 0x76AB9BD1 0x0116BE30
Module: C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll (-exported-)
Location: TranslateMessageEx + 0x2A1 bytes
Decl: TranslateMessageEx
(61) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00012BFC 0x76AB3BFC 0x0116BE80
Module: C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll (-exported-)
Location: CallWindowProcW + 0x9C bytes
Decl: CallWindowProcW
(62) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00012B78 0x76AB3B78 0x0116BEC0
Module: C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll (-exported-)
Location: CallWindowProcW + 0x18 bytes
Decl: CallWindowProcW
(63) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0003848E 0xEE70948E 0x0116BF30
Module: C:\Windows\system32\OPENGL32.dll (-exported-)
Location: glDebugEntry + 0xF31E bytes
Decl: glDebugEntry
(64) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00018BD1 0x76AB9BD1 0x0116BFF0
Module: C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll (-exported-)
Location: TranslateMessageEx + 0x2A1 bytes
Decl: TranslateMessageEx
(65) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000188DA 0x76AB98DA 0x0116C070
Module: C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll (-exported-)
Location: TranslateMessage + 0x1EA bytes
Decl: TranslateMessage
(66) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00169318 0x6692A318 0x0116F3B0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\QtCore4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents + 0x3A8 bytes
Decl: public: virtual bool QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents(class QFlags<enum QEventLoop:user added imagerocessEventsFlag>)
(67) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0009B585 0x6436C585 0x0116F3E0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\QtGui4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QApplicationPrivate::openPopup + 0x215 bytes
Decl: public: void QApplicationPrivate::openPopup(class QWidget * ptr64)
(68) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0013763C 0x668F863C 0x0116F450
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\QtCore4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QEventLoop::exec + 0x22C bytes
Decl: public: int QEventLoop::exec(class QFlags<enum QEventLoop:user added imagerocessEventsFlag>)
(69) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0013A540 0x668FB540 0x0116F4A0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\QtCore4.dll (-exported-)
Location: QCoreApplication::exec + 0xE0 bytes
Decl: public: static int QCoreApplication::exec(void)
(70) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0000D630 0xE291E630 0x0116F5A0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\ExtensionLayer.dll (-exported-)
Location: Tapplication::start + 0xC0 bytes
Decl: public: void Tapplication::start(void)
(71) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0000242A 0x3F20342A 0x0116F8E0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\maya.exe (-exported-)
(72) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00024668 0x3F225668 0x0116F960
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\maya.exe (-exported-)
Location: TiteratorWrapperBidir<TscenePartitions::ConstItera torDescriptor,TiteratorWrapper<TscenePartitions::C onstIteratorDescriptor> >::operator= + 0x141C8 bytes
Decl: public: class TiteratorWrapperBidir<struct TscenePartitions::ConstIteratorDescriptor,class TiteratorWrapper<struct TscenePartitions::ConstIteratorDescriptor> > & ptr64 TiteratorWrapperBidir<struct TscenePartitions::ConstIteratorDescriptor,class TiteratorWrapper<struct TscenePartitions::ConstIteratorDescriptor> >::operator=(class TiteratorWrapperBidir<struct TscenePartitions::ConstIteratorDescriptor,class TiteratorWrapper<struct TscenePartitions::ConstIteratorDescriptor> > const & ptr64)
(73) section:offset Address Frame
0001:00021678 0x3F222678 0x0116F9A0
Module: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\bin\maya.exe (-exported-)
Location: TiteratorWrapperBidir<TscenePartitions::ConstItera torDescriptor,TiteratorWrapper<TscenePartitions::C onstIteratorDescriptor> >::operator= + 0x111D8 bytes
Decl: public: class TiteratorWrapperBidir<struct TscenePartitions::ConstIteratorDescriptor,class TiteratorWrapper<struct TscenePartitions::ConstIteratorDescriptor> > & ptr64 TiteratorWrapperBidir<struct TscenePartitions::ConstIteratorDescriptor,class TiteratorWrapper<struct TscenePartitions::ConstIteratorDescriptor> >::operator=(class TiteratorWrapperBidir<struct TscenePartitions::ConstIteratorDescriptor,class TiteratorWrapper<struct TscenePartitions::ConstIteratorDescriptor> > const & ptr64)
(74) section:offset Address Frame
0001:000149ED 0x76BB59ED 0x0116F9D0
Module: C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll (-exported-)
Location: BaseThreadInitThunk + 0xD bytes
Decl: BaseThreadInitThunk
(75) section:offset Address Frame
0001:0002B541 0x76CEC541 0x0116FA20
Module: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll (-exported-)
Location: RtlUserThreadStart + 0x21 bytes
Decl: RtlUserThreadStart
End of stack

//crash log file name = C:\Users\BigDaddy\AppData\Local\Temp\MayaCrashLog1 41207.1844.log
//version = 15.0.1335.0
//cut = Fri 02/28/2014, 201402282213
//current scene = unDisclosed
//command history (most recent last):
//================================================== ==
//last tool: artAttrSkinContext
//================================================== ==
//panel with focus: modelPanel4
//visible panels:
// modelPanel4
//================================================== ==
//Memory usage:
// 19577.109 Mb Free Memory
// 46478.773 Mb Free Swap
// 801.059 Mb Current
// 23.398 Mb Arrays
// 91.953 Mb MEL
// 0.135 Mb arguments
// 0.124 Mb Transforms
// 0.656 Mb Data Blocks
// 2.900 Mb Object Arrays
//================================================== ==

Please help if you can!

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