Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 20-06-2007 , 07:30 AM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 31

Animation problem

Hi all,

I am running into a little problem at work.
I am officially a programmer, but when my employer discovered that I do 3D as a hobby, he asked if I wanted to build and animate the companies logo.

You can see my efforts here :

Right now I just keyed the rotation, and set it to +360 degrees at the end of the sequence.

Now the issue is :
They want the rotation to start up slow, pick up speed, and then slow down again on the 'turning points'.

Is there any way to accomplish this? I do not want to do it by building a delay in the excisting frames, as that is just plain ugly (imho). but the calculations for each frame seem a little daunting as well...

Thanks in advance,

# 2 20-06-2007 , 08:41 AM
mtmckinley's Avatar
The Maya Mountain
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 8,245
you can adjust the animation curves in the Graph Editor to change how the animation flows from one keyframe to another, slowing down or speeding up and so on.

# 3 22-06-2007 , 11:32 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 31
Worked like a charm!


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